WESTERN VINYL                           www.westernvinyl.com

                                        3804 B AVE. G
                                        AUSTIN , TX 78751

                                2019    1700 A Waterloo Trail
                                        Austin, TX 78704

Found  : 1998
Distr. : UK - Cargo/Piccadilly/Boomkat/Beeep/Norman
         Scand. - Border Music
         Australia - Inertia
         Austria - Cargo
         US/CA - Nails/Secretly Canadian/Outside Music/
         FR - Diifer-Ant
         SP - Popstock Everlsting
         IT - Goodfellas
         JA - p*dis
Style  : lo-fi / indie / experimental / post rock / neo-classical / drone /
         IDM / minimal / shoegaze / country rock / folk / glitch / future
         jazz /

WEST    001     HAVERGAL                Crowd // Grants Pass            7"        .1998
WEST    002     WIN FOSTER              A Man's Heart // Trade          7"        .1998
WEST    003     HAVERGAL                How I Do // My Heart            7"        .1998
                (Note : 7" , A-side 33.3 RPM/B-side 45 RPM ; white vinyl)
WEST    004     KNIFE IN THE WATER      Slavery // Redbird              7"        .1998
WEST    005     SONGS:OHIA              Untitled                        7"        .1999

        A       7th Street Wonderland                           3:09
        B       Darling You Are…                                3:49
                (Note : 7" 2000 copies)
WEST    006     WINDSOR FOR THE DERBY : Now I Know The Sea Is           7"        .1999
                Always There For Me // Nico (Live In SF)
                (Note : 7" , 33.3 RPM)
WEST    007     APPENDIX OUT            LIEDER FUR KASPAR HAUSER        7"        .1999

        A       Ein Grauerstar In Der Kavallerie
        B       An Den Nachthimmel Gewöhnt
                (Note : 7" , grey vinyl)
WEST    008     EARLY DAY MINERS        Placer Found                    CD        .2000

        1       Placer Found                                    2:54
        2       East Berlin at Night                            6:46
        3       Texas Cinema                                    5:11
        4       In These Hills                                  8:54
        5       Stanwix                                         7:31
        6       Longwall                                        5:46
        7       Desert Cantos                                   12:15
WV      09      BONNY "BLUE" BILLY      Little Boy Blue                 7"      06.2000

        1       Little Boy Blue                                 2:23
        2       Blue Boy                                        1:30
        3       Little Boy Blue 2                               3:08
WV      010     unissued
WV      011     NOURALLAH BROTHERS      Nourallah Brothers              CD        .2001

        1       Those Days Are Gone                             4:34
        2       A Morning Cigarette                             3:47
        3       Down                                            2:16
        4       I'll Be Around                                  3:03
        5       My Little Innocent One                          3:21
        6       Christmastime                                   2:03
        7       She'd Walk a Mile                               3:14
        8       Heaven Is the Day                               1:47
        9       Public Skool                                    1:08
        10      I Wanna Be an Artist                            1:13
        11      I'll Remember You                               3:12
        12      Someone That You Knew                           3:26
        13      Who Are We?                                     3:23
        14      The Lost Resort                                 2:42
        15      Missing You                                     4:11
        16      Somewhere the Lights Don't Shine                4:21
WV      012     BURD EARLY              Magnet Mountain                 CD      03.2002

        1       Driftwood
        2       Starving
        3       Two Feet
        4       Tire
        5       To Be Done
        6       Little Caper
        7       Obey
        8       Don't Wake Me
        9       Proper Place
        10      Poke Me
        11      Magnet Mountain
WV      013     UGLY CASANOVA           Ugly Casanova                   CDEP      .2002
WV      014     PAPA M                  Songs Of Mac                    CDEP      .2002

        1       So Warped
        2       The Person and the Skeleton
WV      015     EARLY DAY MINERS        Let Us Garlands Bring           2LP       .2002

        A1      Centralia                                       5:07
        A2      Santa Carolina                                  6:50
        B1      Offshore                                        8:08
        B2      Silvergate                                      5:34
        C1      Summer Ends                                     9:13
        C2      Autumn Wake                                     5:17
        C3      Light in August                                 4:55
        D1      Upstate                                         3:16
        D2      A Common Wealth                                 17:45
           (Note : CD on Secretly Canadien Rec. SC 71)
WV      016     FARIS NOURALLAH         I LOVE FARIS                    CD      02.2003

        1       Brogadiccio
        2       Someone Who Doesn't Love You
        3       Let's Get Married
        4       A Famous Life
        5       The Road
        6       Denial
        7       Desire
        8       Diamonds for Baby
        9       The Man in the Moon
        10      Christian Flyer
        11      Madrigal
        12      Once in a Lifetime
        13      Together
        14      I Like to Go to Parties
WV      017     KOHN                    Bruce Willis                    CDEP      .2002

        1       One Morning Skyline                             1:17
        2       Du Bist Alice                                   3:34
        3       One Dark Night Drive                            6:18
        4       Remembering The Flash Back                      4:20
        5       Bruce Willis Is My Hero; He Keeps On Saving
                The World                                       4:16
        6       One Heroic Breakfast                            1:01
WV      018     BURD EARLY              Leveler                         CD        .2002

        1       Screening
        2       I Will
        3       Phonecall Away
        4       Tangent
        5       Here We Go Again
        6       Street from the Sea
        7       Deeper Breath
        8       Desire Asymptotic
        9       Casual Listener
WV      019     THE ANOMOANON           PORTRAIT OF JOHN ENTWISTLE      10"       .2002

        A1      Heaven And Hell
        A2      Cherries
        B1      Two Eyes Wild
        B2      John Entwistle
WV      020     BOXHEAD ENSEMBLE        Dream Of A Black Prince         CD        .2002
WEST    020     TREN BROTHERS           THE SWIMMER                     CDEP      .2005

        1       Crow #3                                         5:05
        2       Seagull                                         2:29
        3       Out Of Town                                     3:23
        4       The Swimmer                                     4:14
WV      021     EARLY DAY MINERS        Jefferson At Rest               LP        .2003

        A1      Wheeling
        A2      New Holland
        A3      Jefferson
        A4      McCalla
        B1      Awake
        B2      Into Pines
        B3      Cotillion
        B4      Fillmore Blues
WV      022     ROBERT LIPPOK           Robot                           CD      10.2006

        1       Tracking                                        1:10
        2       To The Zero Movement Point                      0:20
        3       Unexpected Behavior No. 7                       3:51
        4       Silent Movement (No Servo)                      1:28
        5       After Work                                      3:53
        6       Closed Loop 3                                   0:48
        7       Pick And Place                                  3:55
        8       Sweet Servo                                     4:48
WV      023     BEXAR BEXAR             BEXAR BEXAR                     CD        .2003

        1       N.r.o.t.                                        3:30
        2       Aidos                                           3:56
        3       Kt                                              3:38
        4       Where She Lives Everyday                        3:03
        5       Blue R.o.t.                                     1:13
        6       Lascruces                                       3:48
        7       Princess of Daughters                           4:07
        8       Mementomori                                     3:14
        9       Red R.o.t.                                      2:08
        10      The Turning Bull                                2:32
        11      Learning to Love Her Lazy Eye                   4:07
        12      Pay Attention                                   1:51
        13      Esther's Vice                                   2:27
        14      Deming                                          2:10
        15      Sick on Elizabeth                               2:26

        1       Our Little
        2       Song To The Sharks
        3       Smiling And Bleeding
        4       A Map Of Something Warm
        5       What We Sing About When We Sing About Love
        6       I'm Still Getting Restless
        7       Natural Science And History
        8       Wondering And Thundering And Stinking
        9       Eulala
        10      Feeling Better
        11      A Mess
        12      Denton Blues
WV      025
WV      026     THE DIRTY PROJECTORS    The Glad Fact                   LP.CD     .2004

        1       The Glad Fact                                   5:10
        2       My Offwhite Flag                                3:03
        3       Like Fake Blood in Crisp October                2:33
        4       Boredom Is a Product                            2:13
        5       Two Brown Finches                               2:07
        6       Three Brown Finches                             3:00
        7       Off Science Hill                                5:09
        8       Winter Is Here                                  2:42
        9       Ground Underfoot                                3:21
        10      Spirit-Future Medley                            2:03
        11      Naked We Made It                                3:13
        12      Lit From Below                                  2:27
        13      Imaginary Love                                  2:48
        14      The Highway Is a Foggy Knife                    2:09
        15      The Minutes                                     2:41
WV      027     BURD EARLY              Mind And Mother                 LP.CD   05.2004

        1       How Far                                         3:36
        2       Warm Blood                                      4:28
        3       Blackdot                                        3:55
        4       Undoing the Day                                 3:29
        5       Fertilizer Waiting to Happen                    6:20
        6       A Love Wants and Has Not                        1:29
        7       Gale Regale                                     3:38
        8       Mind and Mother                                 3:29
        9       The Web That Weds                               4:39
WV      028     FARIS NOURALLAH         Problematico                    CD        .2004

        1       You've Got It Made                              2:25
        2       Will We Ever Know Why?                          2:47
        3       Coming Out                                      2:32
        4       Problematico                                    2:47
        5       Moscow In The Morning                           1:20
        6       Start A Revolution                              2:40
        7       Sometimes I Dream I'm A Country                 2:30
        8       Everything You Said                             1:44
        9       I Know Your Name                                1:44
        10      A Day To Remember                               3:02
        11      Impossible To Know                              2:27
        12      Sick On The Escalator                           2:54
        13      More To Life                                    2:17
        14      Fantastic!                                      2:14
        15      Adieu                                           3:10
WV      029     THE DIRTY PROJECTORS    Slaves' Graves                  LP        .2004

        1       Somberly, Kimberly                              1:22
        2       On the Beach                                    3:40
        3       (Throw On) The Hazard Lights                    4:11
        4       Slaves' Graves                                  3:03
        5       Grandfather's Hanging                           3:31
        6       We Are Swaddled                                 1:25
        7       Hazard Lights (Reprise)                         2:02
        8       A Labor More Restful                            3:41
        9       Unmoved                                         3:01
        10      Ladies, You Have Exiled Me                      2:54
        11      Because Your Light Is Turning Green             3:15
        12      Obscure Wisdom                                  1:34
        13      This Weather                                    2:27
        14      Since I Opened                                  3:19
WV      030     SALIM NOURALLAH         Polaroid                        CD        .2004

        1       Everybody Wants to Be Loved                     4:46
        2       1978                                            2:53
        3       Waiting For You                                 2:52
        4       Nothing Ever Goes Right                         4:11
        5       Missing Funerals                                4:02
        6       We Did Some Things                              2:23
        7       A Family Disease                                3:27
        8       The Ones Who Hurt Us                            2:56
        9       One Foot Stuck in the Past                      3:41
        10      Don't Make Waves                                3:42
        11      Model Brothers                                  3:30
        12      Christmas Eve                                   2:52
        13      Bonus Track                                     3:58
WV      031     NOURALLAH BROTHERS      Nourallah Brothers              2CD       .2004

CD 1    1.1     Those Days are Gone                             4:34
        1.2     A Morning Cigarette                             3:47
        1.3     Down                                            2:16
        1.4     I'll Be Around                                  3:03
        1.5     My Little Innocent One                          3:21
        1.6     Christmastime                                   2:03
        1.7     She'd Walk a Mile                               3:14
        1.8     Heaven Is the Day                               1:47
        1.9     Public Skool                                    1:08
        1.10    I Wanna Be an Artist                            1:13
        1.11    I'll Remember You                               3:12
        1.12    Someone That You Knew                           3:26
        1.13    Who Are We?                                     3:23
        1.14    The Lost Resort                                 2:42
        1.15    Missing You                                     4:11
        1.16    Somewhere the Lights Don't Shine                4:22
CD 2    2.1     Lightness and Space                             4:04
        2.2     Someone to Love                                 2:48
        2.3     A Little Time                                   2:22
        2.4     Estranged                                       3:33
        2.5     One Love                                        3:29
        2.6     Elizabeth Taylor                                2:26
        2.7     In My Dreams V                                  2:50
        2.8     Come Back                                       3:18
        2.9     Get Up and Get Out                              1:57
        2.10    In Another Time                                 2:42
        2.11    Where Has She Flown?                            4:01
        2.12    You Don't Want to See Me                        1:58
        2.13    Linda                                           1:42
WV      032     THE DIRTY PROJECTORS    The Getty Address               CD        .2005

        1       I Sit on the Ridge at Dusk                      4:55
        2       But in the Headlights                           1:50
        3       Warholian Wigs                                  4:31
        4       I Will Truck                                    5:17
        5       D. Henley's Dream                               4:17
        6       Gilt Gold Scabs                                 5:26
        7       Ponds and Puddles                               3:49
        8       Not Having Found                                4:42
        9       Tour Along the Potomac                          4:12
        10      Jolly Jolly Jolly Ego                           5:33
        11      Time Birthed Spilled Blood                      3:02
        12      Drilling Profitably                             4:29
        13      Finches' Song at Oceanic Parking Lot            4:08
WV      033     THE DIRTY PROJECTORS    The Getty Address               DVD       .2005
WV      034     SALIM NOURALLAH         Beautiful Noise                 CD        .2005

        1       The Beautiful Noise                             4:09
        2       The World Is Full of People Who Want to Hurt You 4:10
        3       Never Say Never                                 4:38
        4       Montreal                                        3:23
        5       The Apartment                                   4:59
        6       First Love                                      4:15
        7       No Guarantee                                    3:43
        8       All Waste the Days                              3:23
        9       The Other Side                                  3:31
        10      Slowly Gently Softly                            4:19
        11      Sunday Morning                                  4:11
        12      Life in a Split Second                          3:43
WV      035     FARIS NOURALLAH         King Of Sweden                  CD        .2005

        1       Reverse Engineering
        2       Disenfranchised
        3       I'm Falling
        4       Into The Void
        5       Hit Me Again
        6       Obfuscation
        7       Dreamers Do
        8       Guiding Light
        9       I Run Faster Than You Can
        10      Life's A Bitch
        11      Far From The Sun
        12      Where I Always Get What I Want
        13      Tattoo Your Woman
WV      036     MADAGASCAR              Forced March                    CD        .2005

        1       All That Spring You Could See Halley's Comet    5:26
        2       I'm So Tired Of Violets (Take Them All Away)    7:18
        3       Our First Communist Psychic Researcher          4:19
        4       Bear Goes Shopping                              2:39
        5       A Brief Stroll -- The Velvet Parasol            3:04
        6       When The Telegram Arrived That She Was Dying    5:54
        7       I'll Know That I'll Be Ture                     4:55
WV      037     CHAS MTN                Hugs                            CD      04.2006

        1       We're Evil, We're Jazz                          ?
        2       Deep Safety                                     3:03
        3       Leveled Mez                                     1:18
        4       Wheels of Space                                 2:49
        5       Nice Mug                                        1:14
        6       Mothure                                         3:13
        7       Cinematic, Unbearable                           3:15
        8       Salad of Flies                                  3:10
        9       Headstripe Bitches                              5:56
        10      Jardin Cadaver                                  4:16
        11      Upsidedown Hanging                              3:30
        12      Straights Riff                                  2:11
        13      Fly Over the City                               2:31
        14      Sodaz                                           1:47
        15      Somewhat Still and Small                        2:50
        16      Agog Hallway                                    14:12
WV      038     VOICES AND ORGANS       Orphanage                       CD      03.2006

        1       Melodikka                                       1:09
        2       Any Day Now                                     5:10
        3       Trees Are Bending                               1:45
        4       Staircase, Attic, Window                        4:28
        5       Reaching for the Trees                          3:43
        6       Idle Words #1                                   1:37
        7       Ghostwriting                                    3:38
        8       Nestlings                                       3:21
        9       Through the City                                4:29
        10      As We Grew Young                                4:01
        11      Sundays                                         5:21
        12      Boychild                                        4:40
        13      Screamer                                        1:12
        14      Singer                                          0:54
        15      Back and Forth                                  2:23
        16      Polyphony                                       2:32
        17      Idle Words #2                                   3:20
        18      Orphans                                         2:24
WV      039
WV      040     BEXAR BEXAR             TROPISM                         CD      04.2006

        1       Sweet Devil                                     3:36
        2       Listening to Your Party                         4:55
        3       Tearing Apart the Noise She Makes               3:19
        4       Oil Thumbprints                                 4:04
        5       Cotton in the Grossness                         3:53
        6       The Messy Message                               3:12
        7       Patterned Like Lovers                           3:11
        8       Little More South                               2:29
        9       Window Piece                                    2:28
        10      Unsettled and Unable                            6:17
WV      041     ET RET                  Gasworks                        CD      04.2006

        1       The First Day                                   4:32
        2       The Need for Work                               5:57
        3       Community                                       3:18
        4       Run on a Head                                   6:48
        5       Apokalyptein                                    2:37
        6       Won by Walking                                  3:21
        7       It Was Pure Folly                               3:51
        8       Letting Go of the Balloon                       6:01
WV      042     SHUTA HASUNUMA          Shuta Hasunuma                  CD      10.2006

        1       Departure                                       1:29
        2       Green Repair                                    5:56
        3       Double Navaho                                   3:53
        4       Ikumono                                         3:09
        5       Rec Shop                                        0:27
        6       Hammock                                         2:45
        7       Long Road Home                                  2:43
        8       Morning Fanfare                                 3:06
        9       Karma Fulcrums                                  3:31
        10      Repeat Cycles                                   3:22
        11      Eurikago Afternoon                              5:40
WV      043     OREN AMBARCHI           STACTE MOTORS                   7"      02.2007

        A       Cymbal Motors
        B       Guitar Motors
WV      044     JULIE SOKOLOW           Something About Violins         CD      11.2006

        1       Seasons                                         2:32
        2       Your Wrists                                     3:01
        3       Alternations                                    2:52
        4       Violins                                         3:09
        5       Expanse's Net                                   2:17
        6       Solid                                           2:40
        7       Business As Usual                               2:11
        8       Pictures                                        3:55
        9       End March                                       2:19
        10      In the Greenhouse                               3:28
        11      Motion Screen                                   2:19
        12      All the Wrong Reasons                           4:13
WV      045     MADAGASCAR              Goodbye East , Goodbye West     CD      05.2007

        1       When Last We Heard Of Gentlemen
        2       The River In Its Sunday Garb
        3       Imperium In Imperio
        4       S'vivon
        5       The Innocence Of Facts
        6       Goodbye East, Goodbye West
WV      046     SHUTA HASUNUMA          OK Bamboo                       CD      11.2007

        1       OK Bamboo                                       3:16
        2       Return of the Bamboo                            4:18
        3       Already There                                   3:56
        4       Discover Tokyo                                  7:00
        5       Niagara Shower                                  8:28
        6       Sunny Day in Saginomiya                         5:44
        7       Paradigm Shift                                  2:56
        8       The Highest Point Of                            3:05
        9       Beginning Issue                                 0:29
        10      Idle Junta                                      5:00
WV      047     SLOW SIX : Private Times In Public Places               CD      12.2007

        1       This Is Your Last Chance (Before I Sleep)       23:55
        2       Evening Without Atonement                       18:47
        3       The Lines We Walked When We Walked Once Together 30:32
WV      048     GOLDMUIND               Two Point Discrimination        CD      11.2007

        1       Leading                                         1:59
        2       Then                                            1:55
        3       From                                            1:34
        4       Light                                           3:01
        5       To                                              3:10
        6       Shadow                                          2:11
        7       They                                            1:58
        8       Will                                            2:51
        9       See                                             1:45
        10      As                                              2:28
        11      One                                             1:27

        1       Close the Door
        2       Remember
        3       I Will Be With You
        4       The Sun Was Covered
        5       Break Silence
        6       Something From This Moment
        7       It Shall Be Not Your Tremble
WV      050
WV      051     BALMORHEA               RIVERS ARMS                     2LP.CD  02.2008

        1       San Solomon                                     3:43
        2       Lament                                          3:35
        3       The Summer                                      3:56
        4       The Winter                                      5:51
        5       Greyish Tapering Ash                            3:41
        6       Baleen Morning                                  3:44
        7       Barefoot Pilgrims                               4:53
        8       Context                                         4:02
        9       Process                                         6:20
        10      Divisadero                                      3:09
        11      Limmat                                          3:22
        12      Theme No.1                                      5:11
        13      Windansea                                       3:56
        14      San Solomon (Reprise)                           3:30
WV      052     CALLERS                 FORTUNE                         CD      10.2008

        1       Valerie                                         1:33
        2       More Than Right                                 3:25
        3       Rone                                            4:40
        4       Fortune                                         3:14
        5       O Family                                        3:11
        6       Meet Between                                    3:16
        7       Debris                                          3:42
        8       In Blighted Gold                                1:29
        9       The Upper Lands                                 4:12
        10      Tied About                                      2:58
        11      Ste. Genevieve                                  2:35
WV      053     PIERRE BASTIEN          VISIONS OF DOING                CD      10.2008

        1       The American on the Highway                     4:00
        2       Visions of Shanghai                             4:15
        3       The Girl from Surinam                           4:12
        4       Energy Energy                                   6:42
        5       Turkish Boys at the Harbour                     1:52
        6       Tides                                           4:17
        7       The Thermodynamic Orchestra                     4:52
        8       South African Lady                              4:37
        9       Bubblin'                                        1:55
                 Four Eyes (Karel Doing & Pierre Bastien)       6:20
WV      054
WV      055     SLEEP WHALE             HOUSE BOAT                      CD      12.2009

        1       Green Echo
        2       Cotton Curls
        3       We Were Dripping
        4       Roof Sailing
        5       Summer Sick
        6       Dissolved
        7       Still Drumming
        8       Sleep Reprise
        9       Make Another Picture
        10      Icicles
        11      Ferry Whistle
        12      Light Tunnel
        13      Giant Wings
WV      056     J.TILLMAN               VACILANDO TERRITORY BLUES       CD      03.2009

        1       All You See                                     0:48
        2       No Occasion                                     3:54
        3       Firstborn                                       3:30
        4       Vessels                                         3:47
        5       James Blues                                     2:30
        6       Steel on Steel                                  4:40
        7       Laborless Land                                  3:25
        8       Barter Blues                                    7:24
        9       New Imperial Grand Blues                        4:02
        10      Master's House                                  4:56
        11      Someone, With Child                             3:17
        12      Above All Men                                   3:54
        13      Vacilando Territory                             3:31
WV      057     HERE WE GO MAGIC        HERE WE GO MAGIC                LP.CD   02.2009

        1       Only Pieces                                     3:48
        2       Fangela                                         5:30
        3       Ahab                                            3:36
        4       Tunnelvision                                    4:22
        5       Ghost List                                      4:21
        6       I Just Want to See You Underwater               4:47
        7       Babyohbabyijustcantstanditanymore               2:06
        8       Nat's Alien                                     4:26
        9       Everything's Big                                5:29
WV      058     SHUTA HASUNUTA          POP OOGA PLUS                   2LP     06.2009

        A1      Untitled Tee
        A2      Soul Osci
        A3      Vol Struggle
        A4      Field Trip
        B1      Triooo
        B2      Power Osci
        B3      The Play
        B4      The Play Pt.2
        C1      New Attitude
        C2      2 Become 1
        C3      Barr Barr
        D1      Flying Love
        D2      Go Pacific
                (Note : double LP , 500       worldwide copies)
WV      059     BALMORHEA               ALL IS WILD , ALL IS SILENT     LP.CD   04.2009

        1       Settler                                         6:39
        2       March 4, 1831                                   2:07
        3       Harm and Boon                                   8:05
        4       Elegy                                           2:20
        5       Remembrance                                     5:49
        6       Coahuila                                        3:32
        7       Night in the Draw                               4:09
        8       Truth                                           7:06
        9       November 1, 1832                                2:33
WV      060     LUKE TEMPLE             DON'T ACT LIKE YOU DON'T CARE   LP.CD   08.2011

        A1      In The Open                                     2:31
        A2      More Than Muscle                                4:11
        A3      How Could I Lie                                 3:47
        A4      Weekend Warrior                                 5:33
        A5      Ophelia                                         3:25
        B1      Ballad For Dick George                          4:27
        B2      So Long, So Long                                4:27
        B3      You Belong To Heaven                            5:10
        B4      Luck Part                                       5:19
WV      061     CHRISTOPHER TIGNOR      CORE MEMORY UNWOUND             CD      05.2009

        1       Last Thought at Night                           7:01
        2       Last Nights On Eagle Street                     7:33
        3       Meeting in A Colored Shadow 1                   6:08
        4       Core Memory Unwound                             5:44
        5       Meeting in A Colored Shadow 2                   8:49
        6       Left in Fragments                               8:14
        7       Cathedral (Pt. 1)                               5:03
        8       Cathedral (Pt. 2)                               5:23
WV      062     PETER BRODERICK : MUSIC FOR FALLING FROM TREES          LP      08.2009
WV      062     PETER BRODERICK : MUSIC FOR FALLING FROM TREES          CD      08.2009

LP      A1      Part 1: An Introduction To The Patient
        A2      Part 2: Patient Observation
        A3      Part 3: Pill Induced Slumber
        A4      Part 4: The Dream
        B1      Part 5: Awaken/Panic/Restraint
        B2      Part 6: Electroconvulsive Shock
        B3      Part 7: The Path To Recovery

CD      1       Part 1: An Introduction To The Patient          1:00
        2       Part 2: Patient Observation                     3:01
        3       Part 3: Pill Induced Slumber                    6:02
        4       Part 4: The Dream                               4:56
        5       Part 5: Awaken/Panic/Restraint                  3:03
        6       Part 6: Electroconvulsive Shock                 3:57
        7       Part 7: The Path To Recovery                    6:47
WV      063     GOLDMUND                ALL WILL PROSPER                LP.CD   11.2011

        1       The Death of General Wolfe
        2       Ashoken Farewell
        3       All Quiet on the Potomac
        4       Amazing Grace
        5       Dixie
        6       The Flag of Coumbia Shall Float O'er Us Still
        7       The Ballad of Barbara Allen
        8       Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier
        9       Battle Cry of Freedom
        10      Shenandoah
        11      Who'll Save the Left
        12      Just Before the Battle Mother
        13      The Yellow Rose of Texas
        14      Bonnie Blue Flag
        15      When Johnny Comes Marching Home
WV      064     BALMOREHEA : ALL IS WILD , ALL IS SILENT REMIXES        2LP     08.2009

        1       Settler (Remixed by Eluvium)                    17:24
        2       Harm & Boon (Remixed by Rafael Anton Irisarri)  4:48
        3       Harm & Boon (Remixed by Tiny Vipers)            5:46
        4       Elegy (Remixed by Bexar Bexar)                  3:01
        5       Remembrance (Remixed by Machinefabriek)         7:25
        6       Coahuila (Remixed by The Fun Years)             4:18
        7       Coahuila (Remixed by Library Tapes)             3:54
        8       Night in the Draw (Remixed by Jacaszek)         4:22
        9       Truth (Remixed by Helios)                       3:46
        10      November 1, 1832 (Remixed by Peter Broderick)   3:22
        11      November 1, 1832 (Remixed by Xela)              5:36
           (Note : double LP , 500 copies)
WV      065     SLEEP WHALE             LITTLE BRITE                    12"     07.2009

        A1      Skipping Stones                                 4:31
        A2      A Pebble Garden                                 3:28
        A3      Josh Likes Me                                   5:04
        B1      Sleep Whale                                     4:44
        B2      Airplane Arms                                   3:53
        B3      Little Brite                                    4:31
WV      066     GLASS GHOST             IDOL OMEN                       LP.CD   11.2009

        1       Time Saving Trick
        2       Mechanical Life
        3       Divisions
        4       The Same
        5       Like a Diamond
        6       Violence
        7       What I've Seen
        8       Ending
WV      067     OLA PODRIDA             BELLY OF THE LION               LP.CD   11.2009

        1       The Closest We Will Ever Be                     3:47
        2       We All Radiant                                  4:30
        3       Your Father's Basement                          4:12
        4       Donkey                                          3:46
        5       Monday Morning                                  3:43
        6       Lakes of Wine                                   3:41
        7       Sink or Swim                                    4:31
        8       Roomful of Sparrows                             3:46
        9       This Old World                                  4:21
WV      068     J. TILLMAN              YEAR IN THE KINGDOM             CD      09.2009

        1       Year in the Kingdom                             2:39
        2       Crosswinds                                      4:19
        3       Earthly Bodies                                  4:20
        4       Howling Light                                   3:34
        5       Though I Have Wronged You                       3:24
        6       Age of Man                                      5:14
        7       There Is No Good in Me                          5:04
        8       Marked in the Valley                            4:03
        9       Light of the Living                             1:34
WV      069     J.TILLMAN               Wild Honey Never Stolen         7"      03.2010
                // Borne Away On A Black Barge
WV      070     BALMORHEA               CONSTELLATIONS                  LP.CD   03.2010

        A1      To the Order of Night                           2:28
        A2      Bowsprit                                        5:17
        A3      Winter Circle                                   2:21
        A4      Herons                                          3:05
        A5      Constellations                                  3:57
        B1      Steerage and the Lamp                           7:14
        B2      Night Squall                                    3:36
        B3      On the Weight of Night                          4:44
        B4      Palestrina                                      5:28
WEST    071     SLOW SIX                TOMORROW BECOMES YOU            CD      02.2010

        1       The Night You Left New York                     9:10
        2       Cloud Cover (Part One)                          5:52
        3       Cloud Cover (Part Two)                          6:21
        4       Because Together We Resonate                    6:10
        5       Sympathetic Response System (Part One)          7:24
        6       Sympathetic Response System (Part Two)          7:11
        7       These Rivers Between Us                         9:26
WV      072     SECRET CITIES           PINK GRAFFITTI                  LP.CD   07.2010

Pink CIty / Boyfriends 1 / Slacker / Pink Graffiti Pt.2 / Wander / Color / Aw Rats /
Pink Graffiti Pt.1 / Vamos A La Playa / The End
(Note : LP , gatefold sleeve)
WV      073     CALLERS                 LIFE OF LOVE                    LP.CD   12.2010

You Are And Arc / Glow / Life Of Love / Young Paople / Heartbeat / How You Hold Your
Arms / Dressed In Blue / Roll / Bloodless Ties
WV      074     SECRET CITIES           BRIGHT TEETH                    7"      03.2010

        1       Bright Teeth
        2       Pink Grafffiti, Part 1
WV      075     ROLF JULIUS             MUSIC FOR THE EARS              CD      03.2010

        1       Song from the Past                              29:12
        2       Music on Two High Poles                         26:09
WV      076     SECRET CITIES           ON HOLIDAY                      7"      09.2010

        1       On Holiday                                      2:42
        2       You Don't Know                                  2:55
WV      077     GOLDMUND                FAMOUS PLACES                   CD      08.2010

        1       Alberta                                         2:32
        2       Bergen                                          1:56
        3       Bowen                                           1:31
        4       Brown Creek                                     4:27
        5       Conestoga                                       2:38
        6       Dane Street                                     3:10
        7       Edale                                           3:41
        8       Fort McClary                                    3:34
        9       Grass Rides                                     2:39
        10      Havelock                                        3:15
        11      Hope Avenue                                     2:54
        12      Jones Beach Dunes                               4:20
        13      Pine View                                       1:36
        14      Safe Harbor                                     3:01
        15      Saranac                                         3:21
WV      078     J. TILLMAN              SINGING AX                      CD      09.2010

        1       Three Sisters
        2       Diamondback
        3       Love No Less Worthy
        4       One Task
        5       Our Beloved Tyrant
        6       Tillman's Rag
        7       Mere Ornaments
        8       Singing Ax
        9       Madness on the Mountain
        10      Maria
        11      A Seat at the Table
WV      079     GARY WILSON             ELECTRIC ENDICOTT               LP.CD   11.2010

Linda Never Said Goodbye / Electric Endicott / Where Are The Flowers ? / Sandy Put Me
On A Sick Trip / In The Night / Kathy Kissed Me Last Night /Swinging With Karen Tonight
/ Secret Girl / The Clouds Cry For Endicott / Where Did Karen Go ? / Lisa Made Me Cry
/ She Forgot To Lock Her Door / Please Don't Break My Heart Today / Where Did My Duck
Go ?
WV      080 7   BALMORHEA               Candor / Clamor                 7"      12.2010
                (Note : 7" , 70g , 500 copies)
WV      081     BOTANY                  FEELING TODAY EP                12"+DL  08.2011
WV      081     BOTANY                  FEELING TODAY EP                CDEP    08.2011

Feeling Today / Minnow Theme / Waterparker / Glass House / Bennefactress / Agave
WV      082     WIRES UNDER TENSION     LIGHT SCIENCE                   LP      02.2011

        1       Electricity Turns Them On                       4:52
        2       Irreversible Machines                           4:16
        3       A List of Things to Light on Fire               3:26
        4       Wood, Metal, Bone                               2:31
        5       Position and Hold                               5:50
        6       Mnemonics in Motion                             4:44
        7       ******, ******                                  7:31
WV      083     ROLF JULIUS             MUSIC FOR A DISTANCE            CD      03.2011

        1       Music for a Distance                            39:53
        2       Music in a Corner                               6:53
WEST    084
WEST    085
WEST    086
WEST    087     SECRET CITIES           STRANGE HEARTS                  LP.CD   06.2011

Always Friends / Ice Cream Scene / The Park / Love Crime / No Pressure / Pebbles /
Strange Hearts / Interlude / Brief Encounter / Forest Of Love / Portland
WV      088     NAT BALDWIN             PEOPLE CHANGES                  LP.CD   07.2011

A Little Lost / Weights / Real Fakes / The Same Thing / Lifted / What Is There / Let
My Spirit Rise
WEST    089
WV      090     EDM (FORMERLY EARLY DAY MINERS) : NIGHT PEOPLE          LP+DLc  09.2011
                                                                        CD      09.2011

Hold Me Down / [Stereo/Video] / Open Bar / How To Fall / Terrestrial Rooms / Bright
Angels / Milking The Moon / Turncoats
WEST    091
WEST    092     BALMORHEA : LIVE AT SINT-ELIZABETHKERK                  CD      09.2011

        1       Settler
        2       To The Order Of Night
        3       Bowsprit
        4       Night Squall
        5       Coahuila
        6       Winter Circle
        7       Steerage & The Lamp
        8       Clamor
        9       Truth
        10      November 1, 1832
        11      Untitled
        12      Constellations
WV      093     ROLF JULIUS             RAINING                         CD      06.2012

        1       Raining                                         53:40
        2       Weitflächig                                     15:38
        3       Music for a Glimpse Inward                      4:28
WEST    094     CARTER TANTON           FREECLOUDS                      LP+DLc  11.2011
WEST    094     CARTER TANTON           FREECLOUDS                      CD      11.2011

Murderous Joy / Fake Pretend / Gauze Of Song / Nylon / Saturday / Horrorscope / In
Knots / Pasture Sound / Landlines / Pitch Bent Flute
WEST    095     YOUNG MOON              NAVIGATED LIKE THE SWAN         LP+DLc  07.2012
WEST    095     YOUNG MOON              NAVIGATED LIKE THE SWAN         CD      07.2012

The Crystal Text / Walk In White / Winds Light / Northern Earth / March / A Reason / 
Ages Of Youth / Cold Day Solstice / On The Verge / Summit And Blue Air / Emma Jane /
The Ponds / Painting Of Waves
WEST    096     CALLARS/DELICATE STEVE : Further Out // Perfect Pairs   7"      01.2012
WEST    097     LUSHLIFE                PLATEAU VISION                  CD      04.2012

        1       Magnolia
        2       Still I Hear the Word Progress (feat. Styles P)
        3       The Romance of the Telescope (feat. Andrew Cedermark)
        4       Big Sur
        5       Glistening (feat. STS)
        6       Gymnopedie 1.2 (feat. Shad)
        7       Anthem
        8       Hale-Bopp Was The Bedouins (feat. Heems)
        9       She's a Buddhist, I'm a Cubist (feat. Cities Aviv)
        10      Progress (Sun Glitters Reprise) (feat. Ryat)
        11      Stakk Cheddar Galore, Alwyn Dias
WEST    098     JBM                     STRAY ASHES                     LP+DLc  05.2012
WEST    098     JBM                     STRAY ASHES                     CD      05.2012

        1       Ferry
        2       Only Know
        3       You Always Keep Around
        4       Winter Ghosts
        5       Forests
        6       Thames
        7       Moonwatcher
        8       Crooked Branches
        9       On Fire on a Tightrope
        10      Keeping Up
WEST    099     LYMBYC SYSTEM           SYMBOLYST                       LP+DLc  09.2012
WEST    099     LYMBYC SYSTEM           SYMBOLYST                       CD      09.2012

        A1      Prairie School                                  4:23
        A2      Falconer                                        2:59
        A3      Downtime                                        4:32
        A4      Nightfall                                       3:01
        A5      Falling Together                                4:18
        B6      Eyes Forward                                    3:17
        B7      Condense                                        4:19
        B8      Wave                                            2:22
        B9      Dragon Year                                     5:36
        B10     In Transit                                      3:24
WEST    100     BALMORHEA               STRANGER                        2LP.CD  10.2012

        A1      Days
        A2      Masollan
        B1      Fake Fealty
        B2      Dived
        B3      Jubi
        C1      Artifact
        C2      Shore
        D1      Pyrakantha
        D2      Islet
        D3      Pilgrim
WEST    101     ULFUR                   WHITE MOUNTAIN                  LP+DLc  03.2013
WEST    101     ULFUR                   WHITE MOUNTAIN                  CD      03.2013

Evoke Ewok / So Very Strange / Black Shore / Heaven In A Wildflower / White Mountain /
Knoll Of Jupiter / Molasses ULFUR
WEST    102     WIRES.UNDER.TENSION.    REPLICANT                       CD      11.2012

        1       Like Waves We Will Keep Coming On
        2       Shoot Between Heartbeats
        3       Coded Lanuage For
        4       Landscape Architecture
        5       Replicant
        6       Crystal Beaches
        7       The Light Behind Your Light Is Changing
WEST    103 LP  AISHA BURNS             LIFE IN THE MIDWATER            LP+DLc  09.2013
WEST    103 CD  AISHA BURNS             LIFE IN THE MIDWATER            CD      09.2013

Sold Midwater / Shelly / Gatekeeper / Discerpo / Requiem / Mine To Bear / Destroyer /
WEST    104
WEST    105     LUXURY LINERS           THEY'RE FLOWERS                 LP+DLc  04.2013
WEST    105     LUXURY LINERS           THE'RE FLOWERS                  CD      04.2013

        1       Caribbean Sunset
        2       Memphis Alex
        3       Valley High
        4       Sit & See feat. Polly Pockets (vocals)
        5       Lash by Lash
        6       Life's a Beach feat. Nightlands (vocals,songwriter)
        7       Dog Days / Afternoons
        8       Clear or Brown
        9       Broad Daylight 
WEST    106 LP  OLA PODRIDA             GHOSTS GO BLIND                 LP+DLc  05.2013
WEST    106 CD  OLA PODRIDA             GHOSTS GO BLIND                 CD      05.2013

        A1      Not Ready To Stop
        A2      Fumbling For The Light
        A3      Washing Away
        A4      Blind To The Blues
        B5      Staying In
        B6      Ghosts Go Blind
        B7      Speed Of Light
        B8      Some Sweet Relief
        B9      The Notes Remain
WEST    107 LP  GROOMS                  INFINITY CALLER                 LP+DLc  09.2013
WEST    107 CD  GROOMS                  INFINITY CALLER                 CD      09.2013

        A1      Lion Name
        A2      I+Think We Are Alone Now
        A3      Sleep Detective
        A4      Iskra Goodbye
        A5      Play
        B1      Susie Jo
        B2      Completly
        B3      Very Very Librarian
        B4      Sometimes Sometimes
        B5      Something I Learned Today
        B6      Infinity Caller
WEST    108 LP  NAT BALDWIN : DOME BRANCHES-THE MVP DEMOS               LP      11.2013
WEST    108 CD  NAT BALDWIN : DOME BRANCHES0THE MVP DEMOS               CD      11.2013

        A1      Lake Erie
        A2      Only To Find
        A3      Dome Branches
        A4      Black Square
        A5      De-Attached
        B1      One Two Three
        B2      The Felled Trees
        B3      Look She Said
        B4      Mask I Wear
WEST    109 LP  STONE JACK JONES        ANCESTOR                        LP      03.2014
WEST    109 CD  STONE JACK JONES        ANCESTOR                        CD      03.2014

        01.     O Child
        02.     Jackson
        03.     Black Coal
        04.     State I’m In
        05.     Joy
        06.     Red Red Rose
        07.     Way Gone W Rong
        08.     Anyone
        09.     Good Enough
        10.     Marvellous
        11.     Petey’s Song
WEST    110 LP  BOTANY                  LAVA DIVINER (TRUESTORY)        LP+DLc  10.2013
WEST    110 CD  BOTANY                  LAVA DIVINER (TRUESTORY)        CD      10.2013

Comim / Anchor / Owa / Per-Eon / Simple Creatures With Ryat / [Cant/Goosemother] /
Quantic / Small Keys / Lava Diviner / Celeste / [Sunna/Show Me] / Birdlife
WEST    111 LP  DIANE COFFEE            MY FRIEND FISH                  LP+DLc  10.2013
WEST    111 CD  DIANE COFFEE            MY FRIEND FISH                  CD      10.2013

        A1      Hymn
        A2      Never Lonely
        A3      Tale Of A Dead Dog
        A4      WWWomen
        A5      New Years
        B1      All The Young Girls
        B2      When It's Known
        B3      That Stupid Girl Who Runs A Lot
        B4      Eat Your Love (With Sriracha)
        B5      Green
WEST    112 LP  ABRAM SHOOK             SUN MARQUEE                     LP+DLc  01.2014
WEST    112 CD  ABRAM SHOOK             SUN MARQUEE                     CD      01.2014

        A1      Recovery                                        2:57
        A2      In Mind                                         4:26
        A3      Distance                                        4:28
        A4      Taken                                           3:41
        A5      Hangover                                        4:52
        B1      Coastal                                         3:31
        B2      Crush                                           3:42
        B3      Lifeguard                                       3:42
        B4      Black Submarine                                 4:05

        1.      Thunder Lay Down In The Heart I                 8:04
        2.      Thunder Lay Down In The Heart II                6:19
        3.      Thunder Lay Down In The Heart III               5:51
        4.      The Listening Machines                          10:45
        5.      To Draw A Perfect Circle                        7:15
        6.      First Impressions                               3:05
                (Note : LP , 250 copies)
WEST    114 LP  DAWN LANDES             BLUEBIRD                        LP+DLc  02.2014
WEST    114 CD  DAWN LANDES             BLUEBIRD                        CD      02.2014

        1       Bluebird
        2       Try to Make a Fire Burn Again
        3       Bloodhound
        4       Heel Toe
        5       Cry No More
        6       Oh Brother
        7       Diamond Rivers
        8       Love Song
        9       Lullabye for Tony
        10      Home
WEST    115 LP  NAT BALDWIN             IN THE HOLLOWS                  LP+MP3  04.2014
WEST    115 CD  NAT BALDWIN             IN THE HOLLOWS                  CD      04.2014

        A1      Wasted
        A2      Knockout
        A3      Half My Life
        A4      In The Hollows
        A5      The End Of The Night
        B1      Cosmos Pose
        B2      Sharpshooter
        B3      Bored To Death
        B4      A Good Day To Die
WEST    116 LP  AVA LANA                ELECTRIC BALLOON                LP      03.2014
WEST    116 CD  AVA LANA                ELECTRIC BALLOON                CD      03.2014

        A1      Dayream                                         2:34
        A2      Sears Roebuck M&Ms                              3:03
        A3      Crown                                           4:50
        A4      Aquarium                                        2:16
        A5      Plain Speech                                    4:32
        A6      Electric Balloon                                3:00
        B1      PRPL                                            3:49
        B2      Hold U                                          4:13
        B3      Judy                                            4:18
        B4      Genese                                          3:40
        B5      Ab Ovo                                          4:17
WEST    117 LP  LUSHLIFE + CSLSX        RITUALIZE                       LP      02.2016
WEST    117 CD  LUSHLIFE + CSLSX        RITUALIZE                       CD      02.2016

        01      Total Mutual Feeling
        02      The Waking World ft. I Break Horses
        03      Hong Kong ( Lady Of Love ) ft. Ariel Pink
        04      Incantation ft. Deniro Farrar
        05      Undress Me In The Temple
        06      Body Double
        07      Toynbee Suite ft. Nightlands, RJD2, Yikes the Zero
        08      Strawberry Mansion ft. Freeway
        09      This Ecstatic Cult ft. Killer Mike
        10      Burt Reynolds ( Desert Visions )
        11      Integration Loop ft. Marissa Nadler
        12      Ritualize
WEST    118 LP  SECRET CITIES           WALK ME HOME                    LP      05.2014
WEST    118 CD  SECRET CITIES           WALK ME HOME                    CD      05.2014

        01.     Purgatory                                       2:17
        02.     Bad Trip                                        2:24
        03.     Paradise                                        4:24
        04.     The Rooftop                                     2:26
        05.     Interlude                                       1:49
        06.     Thumbs                                          3:28
        07.     Playing With Fire                               3:50
        08.     Walk Me Home                                    3:46
        09.     The Cellar                                      4:04
        10.     Interlude 2                                     1:36
        11.     It ’s Always Summer                             2:45
        12.     It ’s Always Winter                             3:42
        13.     Sun Enclosure                                   3:30
WEST    119 LP  CARTER TANTON           JETTISON THE VALLEY             LP      02.2016
WEST    119 CD  CARTER TANTON           JETTISON THE VALLEY             CD      02.2016

        01      Twenty-Nine Palms
        02      Fresh Faced Claire
        03      The Long Goodbye
        04      Poison In The Dart
        05      Jettison The Valley
        06      330
        07      The Dressmaker's Girl
        08      Through The Garden Gates
        09      Diamonds In The Mine
WEST    120 LP  GLASS GHOST             LYFE                            LP+DLc  09.2014
WEST    120 CD  GLASS GHOST             LYFE                            CD      09.2014

        01      Life Is For The Living
        02      Sound of Money
        03      Triangle
        04      Wait A Second
        05      Walls
        06      HomeFor the Holidays
        07      Unidentified
        08      American Dollar
        09      Hearing The Sound
        10      Traveling With You
        11      Outro
WEST    121
WEST    122 LP  THE ROSEBUDS            SAND + SILENCE                  LP+DLc  08.2014
WEST    122 CD  THE ROSEBUDS            SAND + SILENCE                  CD      08.2014

        01      In My Teeth                                     4:27
        02      Sand + Silence                                  5:13
        03      Give Me A Reason                                4:03
        04      Blue Eyes                                       2:48
        05      Mine Mine                                       3:27
        06      Wait A Minute                                   3:48
        07      Esse Quam Videri                                3:44
        08      Death Of An Old Bike                            3:31
        09      Looking For                                     3:08
        10      Walking                                         1:56
        11      Tiny Bones                                      4:12
WEST    123 LP  ALEXANDER TURNQUIST     FLYING FANTASY                  LP+DLc  06.2014
WEST    123 CD  ALEXANDER TURNQUIST     FLYING FANTASY                  CD      06.2014

        1.      House Of Insomniacs                             7:30
        2.      Finding The Butterfly                           5:46
        3.      Wild Flower                                     6:17
        4.      Red Carousel                                    8:45
        5.      Flying Fantasy                                  6:41
        6.      Cloud Slicing                                   2:19
WEST    124 LP  ELEPHANT MICAH          WHERE IN OUR WOODS              LP      01.2015
WEST    124 CD  ELEPHANT MICAH          WHERE IN OUR WOODS              CD      01.2015

        01      By the Canal
        02      No Underground
        03      Albino Animals
        04      Slow Time Vultures
        05      Demise of the Bible Birds
        06      Monarch Gardeners
        07      Light Side
        08      Rare Beliefs
WEST    125 LP  BALMORHEA               BALMORHEA                       LP      10.2014
WEST    125 CD  BALMORHEA               BALMORHEA                       CD      10.2014

        01       Attesa 
        02      Baleen Morning 03 Dream Of Thaw
        04      In The Rowans
        05      A Circumnavigation
        06      En Route
        07      If You Only Knew The Rain
        08      And I Hear The Soft Rustling...
        09      We Will Rebuild With Smooth Stones
WEST    126     BALMORHEA               HEIR                            7"      11.2014

        A       Heir I
        B       Heir II
                (Note : 7" , coloured vinyl)

        1       Bed Version
        2       Comb the Feelings Through Your Hair
        3       Cross Off
        4       Something Wild
        5       Doctor M
        6       Half Cloud
        7       Will the Boys
        8       Savage Seminar
        9       Grenadine Scene from Inside
        10      Foster Sister
        11      Later a Dream
WV      128 LP  IN TALL BUILDINGS       DRIVER                          LP+DLc  02.2015
WV      128 CD  IN TALL BUILDINGS       DRIVER                          CD      02.2015

        01      Bawl C ry Wail
        02      All You Pine
        03      Exiled
        04      Unmistakable
        05      Al oft
        06      Flare Gun
        07      I’ll Be Up Soon
        08      Cedarspeak
        09      When You See Me Fall
        10      Pouring Out
WV      129 LP  ABRAM SHOOK             LANDSCAPE DREAM                 LP      05.2015
WV      129 CD  ABRAM SHOOK             LANDSCAPE DREAM                 CD      05.2015

        01      Never Die
        02      Chelsea Walls
        03      Vessel
        04      Beach Glass
        05      Receiving You
        06      Get Gone
        07      5Am Tribute
        08      Find It
        09      Perfect
        10      Understood
        11      Arrows
        12      Jaw
WV      130 LP  KAITLYN AURELIA SMITH   EUCLID                          LP+DLc  01.2015
WV      130 CD  KAITLYN AURELIA SMITH   EUCLID                          CD      01.2015

        01      Careen 
        02      Wide Awake
        03      Stunts
        04      Sundry
        05      Glide
        06      Escapade
        07      Labyrinth I
        08      Labyrinth II
        09      Labyrinth III
        10      Labyrinth IV
        11      Labyrinth V
        12      Labyrinth VI
        13      Labyrinth VII
        14      Labyrinth VIII
        15      Labyrinth IX
        16      Labyrinth X
        17      Labyrinth XI
        18      Labyrinth XII
WV      131     KAITLYN AURELIA SMITH   TIDES                           10DL    11.2014

        1       Tides I
        2       Tides II
        3       Tides III
        4       Tides IV
        5       Tides V
        6       Tides VI
        7       Tides VII
        8       Tides VIII
        9       Tides IX
        10      Tides X
WEST    132 LP  DIANE COFFEE            EVERYBODY'S A GOOD DOG          LP+DLc  09.2015
WEST    132 CD  DIANE COFFEE            EVERYBODY'S A GOOD DOG          CD      09.2015

        01      Spring Breathes
        02      Mayflower
        03      Soon To Be, Won’t To Be
        04      Down With The Current
        05      Tams Up
        06      GovT
        07      Everyday
        08      Duet (Feat. Felicia Douglass)
        09      Too Much Space Man
        10      I Dig You 11 Not That Eas

(Note : LP features deluxe packaging including embossed text and printed inserts.
        Includes MP3 Download Code)
WEST    133
WEST    134 LP  STONE JACK JONES        LOVE & TORTURE                  LP      03.2015
WEST    134 CD  STONE JACK JONES        LOVE & TORTURE                  CD      03.2015

A.      1.      Shine                                           2:50
        2.      Thrill Thrill                                   3:18
        3.      Q And K                                         3:33
        4.      Circumstance                                    4:17
        5.      Ships                                           4:16
        6.      Disappear                                       4:07
B.      7.      Russia                                          4:41
        8.      Song                                            4:35
        9.      Who                                             6:19
        10.     Say Amen                                        4:05
WEST    135 LP  HEATHER WOODS BRODERICK : GLIDER                        LP      06.2015
WEST    135 CD  HEATHER WOODS BRODERICK : GLIDER                        CD      06.2015

        01      Up In the Pine
        02      Mama Shelter
        03      Fall Hard
        04      Wyoming
        05      The Sentiments
        06      A Call For Distance
        07      Desert
        08      Glider
        09      All For A Lov3
WEST    136 LP  AVA LUNA                INFINITE HOUSE                  LP+DLc  04.2015
WEST    136 CD  AVA LUNA                INFINITE HOUSE                  CD      04.2015

        01      Company
        02      Tenderize
        03      Steve Polyester
        04      Roses and Cherries
        05      Coat Of Shellac
        06      Infinite House
        07      Black Dog
        08      Best Hexagon
        09      Billz
        10      Victoria
        11      Carboon
WEST    137 LP  AIR WAVES               PARTING GLANCES                 LP      09.2015
WEST    137 CD  AIR WAVES               PARTING GLANCES                 CD      09.2015

        01      Horse Race
        02      Calm
        03      Lines
        04      Fantasy
        05      Frank
        06      Milky Way
        07      Touch of Light
        08      Thunder
        09      Sweet Talk
        10      Older
        11      1000 Degrees
        12      Tik Tok
WEST    138 LP  GOLDMUND                SOMETIMES                       LP+DLc  12.2015

        1.      As Old Roads                                    02:40
        2.      Sometimes                                       02:49
        3.      Getting Lighter                                 03:00
        4.      A Word I Give (with Ryuichi Sakamoto)           03:26
        5.      Angel                                           02:09
        6.      Cascade                                         02:38
        7.      Too Much Still                                  02:32
        8.      Travelling                                      02:48
        9.      In the Byre                                     04:19
        10.     The Hidden Observer                             01:57
        11.     The Wind Wings                                  02:36
        12.     To Be Fair and True                             02:56
        13.     Vision                                          01:51
        14.     Windmills                                       02:26
WEST    139     CARTER TANTON           CAFRTER TANTON                  LP      05.2021

        A1      Out Fayette
        A2      Willowy Five
        A3      V Rose
        A4      Steep Angles
        B1      Uneven High Places
        B2      Honey In Tea
        B3      22
        B4      Mirrors
        B5      Gunnin' For The Stem
WEST    140 LP  BOTANY : DIMMING AWE , THE LIGHT IS RAW                 LP+DLc  02.2016

        1.      Sungblood                                       1:27
        2.      Raw Light Ov erture                             3:06
        3.      Au Revoir w/ Milo                               2:32
        4.      Birthjays                                       2:41
        5.      Glow-Up w / M atthewdavid                       2:41
        6.      Jotu                                            2:22
        7.      All is Rit e                                    1:25
        8.      Bad CGI                                         6:13
        9.      No Translator w/ Milo                           3:12
        10.     You Might Be an E ye                            3:46
        11.     A-Word / Dim                                    4:05
        12.     Monthiversary w/ RYAT                           6:30
WEST    141     LYMBIC SYSTYM           SPLIT STONES                    LP      10.2015
WEST    141 CD  LYMBIC SYSTYM           SPLIT STONES                    CD      10.2015

LP      A1      Generated Bodies
        A2      Morning Flats
        A3      Geometer
        A4      Streaming Consciousness
        A5      The Erratic Shift
        B1      Split Stones
        B2      Detached Objects
        B3      Paraboloid
        B4      Pulses
        B5      Scientific Romance

CD      1       Generated Bodies                                5:02
        2       Morning Flats                                   4:18
        3       Geometer                                        6:00
        4       Streaming Consciousness                         0:51
        5       The Erratic Shift                               4:09
        6       Split Stones                                    5:59
        7       Detached Objects                                0:47
        8       Para-boloid                                     6:26
        9       Pulses                                          6:41
        10      Scientific Romance                              1:24
WEST    142 LP  MOON BROS               THESE STARS                     LP      08.2016
WEST    142 CD  MOON BROS               THESE STARS                     CD      08.2016

        1       These Stars
        2       Pitch
        3       El Conejo
        4       Oh so cold
        5       Corrido
        6       Wool Blankets
        7       Blues
        8       AC/DC
WEST    143 LP  YOUNG MOON              COLT                            LP      06.2016
WEST    143 CD  YOUNG MOON              COLT                            CD      06.2016

        01.     Deep Breath
        02.     Love is a Light
        03.     Fell On My Face
        04.     Colt
        05.     Compassion
        06.     Summer '09
        07.     Krishna
        08.     Let's Take a Walk
        09.     Perfect
        10.     Silver Ripples
        11.     Thousand Lifetime Love
WEST    144 C1  THE SKULL ECLIPSES      THE SKULL ECLIPSES              LP+DLc  03.2018
                (Note : LP , grey vinyl)
WEST    144 D   THE SKULL ECLIPSES      THE SKULL ECLIPSES              DL      03.2018

        1.      Yearn Infinite I                                01:30
        2.      All Fall                                        04:34
        3.      Angels Don't Mind                               02:41
        4.      Pillars                                         04:58
        5.      Take My                                         02:43
        6.      Encyclopedia                                    04:38
        7.      Gone                                            04:10
        8.      Gun Glitters                                    03:59
        9.      Pushing Up the Hills                            03:37
        10.     Yearn Infinite II                               01:30
        11.     Spacecrafts in Rajasthan                        04:21

Known respectively for their independent work as Botany and Lushlife, Spencer
Stephenson and Raj Haldar selected their collaborative mantle, The Skull Eclipses,
when the album became more than just a one-plus-one combination of their individual
WEST    145 LP  KAITLYN AURELIA SMITH   EARS                            LP+DLc  04.2016
WEST    145 LPX KAITLYN AURELIA SMITH   EARS                            LP+DLc  04.2016
                (Note : LP + A2 poster (ships in sturdy card tube with
                additional shipping cost))
WEST    145 CD  KAITLYN AURELIA SMITH   EARS                            CD      04.2016

        01      First Flight                                    4:38
        02      Wetlands                                        3:35
        03      Envelop                                         4:56
        04      When I Try, I'm Full                            3:57
        05      Rare Things Grow                                3:46
        06      Arthropoda                                      3:37
        07      Stratus                                         3:05
        08      Existence in the Unfurling                      11:09
WEST    146 LP  BOTANY                  DEEPAK VERBERA                  LP+DLc  10.2016
WEST    146 CD  BOTANY                  DEEPAK VERBERA                  CD      10.2016

        01      Whose Ghost
        02      Appears (Mini Verberum)
        03      Ory (Joyous Toil)
        04      Burning From the Edges Inward
        05      Outer Verberum 06 Clean L ungs
        07      Gleaning Gleaming
        08      Needam / Wish To
        09      Valediction
        10      Orange Hits the Pupil

(Note : LP , translucent yellow vinyl with white splatter - Includes digital download
        code redeemable from the label)
WEST    147 LP  LYMBYC SYSTYM           NEW VARIETIES                   12"+DLc 08.2016
                (Note : 12"/45 RPM , bone coloured vinyl)
WEST    147 CD  LYMBYC SYSTYM           NEW VARIETIES                   CD      08.2016

A.      01      Opposing Bodies                                 3:46
        02      Dierential                                      3:43
B.      03      New Varieties                                   4:24
        04      Opposing Bodies (Botany Remix)                  7:25
WEST    148 LP  JULIANA DAUGHERTY       LIGHT                           LP+DLc  06.2018
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WEST    148 LP  JULIANA DAUGHERTY       LIGHT                           LP+DLc  06.2018
                (Note : LP , milky-clear vinyl)
WEST    148 CD  JULIANA DAUGHERTY       LIGHT                           CD      06.2018

        01      Player                                          4:23
        02      Baby Teeth                                      4:54
        03      Revelation                                      4:35
        04      Sweetheart                                      3:40
        05      Bliss                                           5:13
        06      Easier                                          3:36
        07      Light                                           4:21
        08      Come For Me                                     3:39
        09      California                                      4:14
        10      Wave                                            4:08

Singer-songwriter Juliana Daugherty is back with this limited-edition, milky-clear LP,
out on Western Vinyl, a dreamy record that traverses mental illness, political outrage
and societal ills, all laced with Daugherty's crooning, lilting vocals. Expect motorik
pulses, vaporous strumming and heartbreaking choruses.

LP 1    A1      We Keep This Flame
        A2      One Eye Blue, One Eye Black (Blue)
        A3      One Eye Blue, One Eye Black (Black)
        B1      Artifacts Of Longing (Part 1)
        B2      Artifacts Of Longing (Part 2)
        B3      Artifacts Of Longing (Part 3)

LP 2    C1      Dead Letter Library
        C2      Shapeshifting
        D1      Arrow In The Dark
        D2      The Will And The Waiting

CD      1       We Keep this Flame                              3:13
        2       One Eye Blue, One Eye Black (Blue)              6:34
        3       One Eye Blue, One Eye Black (Black)             6:39
        4       Arrow in the Dark                               5:07
        5       Shapeshifting                                   4:08
        6       Artifacts of Longing (part 1)                   4:49
        7       Artifacts of Longing (part 2)                   6:45
        8       Artifacts of Longing (part 3)                   5:31
        9       Dead Letter Library                             9:38
        10      The Will and the Waiting                        8:38

(Note : double vinyl LP in heavyweight jackets, with printed inner sleeves, and
        download postcard)
WV      150 LP  BALMORHEA               CLEAR LANGUAGE                  LP+DLc  09.2017
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      150 C1  BALMORHEA               CLEAR LANGUAGE                  LP+DLc  09.2017
                (Note : LP , white vinyl LP on Western Vinyl. Edition
                of 500 copies in hand-numbered sleeve with embossed text
                + large poster)
WV      150 CD  BALMORHEA               CLEAR LANGUAGE                  CD      09.2017

        1.      Clear Language                                  03:13
        2.      Sky Could Undress                               04:08
        3.      Dreamt                                          03:59
        4.      Slow Stone                                      06:36
        5.      Ecco                                            02:15
        6.      Behind the World                                04:06
        7.      Waiting Itself                                  03:34
        8.      55                                              03:52
        9.      All Flowers                                     02:23
        10.     First Light                                     03:45
WV      151
WV      152 LP  LEAN YEAR               LEAN YEAR                       LP      10.2017
WV      152 CD  LEAN YEAR               LEAN YEAR                       CD      10.2017

        1       Come and See
        2       Her Body In The Sky
        3       Earner
        4       Holy Mountain
        5       Watch Me
        6       Sonja Henie
        7       Waterloo Suns
        8       The Louder Voice
        9       Figs
        10      Nines

Lean Year is the debut, self-titled record by Richmond, Virginia based singer Emilie
Rex and filmmaker/musician Rick Alverson.
WV      153 D1  BOTANY                  RAW LIGHT II                    10WAV   01.2017

        1       No Heed                                         2:38
        2       Crowd Nothings                                  4:20
        3       Lo, Hi                                          1:53
        4       Yon                                             5:10
        5       Janis Joplin                                    2:45
        6       Tenth                                           3:21
        7       The Strangeways                                 3:07
        8       Wednesday Night Oct 28 2015                     6:58
        9       Minuses                                         4:13
        10      Tetherball                                      3:45
WV      154
WV      155 LP  ABRAM SHOOK             LOVE AT LOW SPEED               LP      06.2017
WV      155 CD  ABRAM SHOOK             LOVE AT LOW SPEED               CD      06.2017

        1.      The Hours                                       4:53
        2.      Eventually                                      2:58
        3.      Lies                                            3:42
        4.      Divinity                                        5:38
        5.      Red Lines                                       4:05
        6.      Machinery                                       2:42
        7.      No Return                                       5:30
        8.      Device                                          3:54
        9.      Lisbon                                          5:20
        10.     Quiet Side                                      2:46
WV      156 LP  RG LOWE                 SLOW TIME                       LP      05.2017
WV      156 CD  RG LOWE                 SLOW TIME                       CD      05.2017

        01      A Dream a Lie
        02      Walk Away
        03      Bluff
        04      Cover You
        05      Spring the Lock
        06      Building
        07      State of Play
        08      Love in the Garden
        09      Slow Time

RG Lowe, of Balmorhea, has produced a fully-fledged vocal pop album in Slow Time,
which might surprise fans of Balmorhea's instrumental music. Slow Time is centred
around a Wurlitzer electric piano and the Lowe's dramatic vocal moves, adding up to
a slick R&Bish album.
WV      157 LP  THE GROOMS              EXIT INDEX                      LP      10.2017
WV      157 CD  THE GROOMS              EXIT INDEX                      CD      10.2017

        1       The Directory
        2       Horoscopes
        3       Turn Your Body
        4       Magistrate Seeks Romance
        5       End
        6       Dietrich
        7       Softer Now
        8       Some Fantasy
        9       They Can Tell
        10      Thimble
WV      158 LP  NIGHTLANDS : I CAN FEEL THE NIGHT AROUND ME             LP      06.2107
WV      158 CD  NIGHTLANDS : I CAN FEEL THE NIGHT AROUND ME             CD      06.2017

        1.      Lost Moon                                       5:56
        2.      Depending On You                                3:55
        3.      Easy Does It                                    4:19
        4.      Only You Know                                   4:23
        5.      Love's In Love                                  4:09
        6.      Fingers In My Ears                              4:57
        7.      You're Silver                                   3:54
        8.      Moonbathin                                      5:34
        9.      Human Hearts                                    4:03

The third album from Philadelphia's Nightlands (War On Drugs' Bassist Dave Hartley),
is an exercise in synthetic nostalgia.
WV      159 LP  PETER OREN              ANTHOPOCENE                     LP      10.2017
                (Note : LP , black vinyl + insert)
WV      159 c1  PETER OREN              ANTHOPOCENE                     LP      10.2017
                (Note : LP , coloured vinyl + insert)
WV      159 CD  PETER OREN              ANTHOPOCENE                     CD      10.2017

        01      Burden Of Proof
        02      Anthropocene
        03      Falling Water
        04      Chain Of Command
        05      Throw Down
        06      Canary In A Coal Mine
        07      New Gardens
        08      Pictures From Spain
        09      River And Stone
        10      Welcome / Goodbye 
WV      160 LP  CAROLINE SAYS : 50000000 ELVIS FANS CAN'T BE WRONG      LP      07.2017
WV      160 CD  CAROLINE SAYS : 50000000 ELVIS FANS CAN'T BE WRONG      CD      07.2017

        1       Winter Is Cold
        2       I Think I'm Alone Now
        3       Funeral Potatoes
        4       Streetlights
        5       My Fiance's Pets
        6       Gravy Dayz
        7       Ghost Pokes
        8       God Knows
        9       Lost Feeling
WV      161
Wv      162 LP  ART FEYNMAN : BLAST OFF THROUGH THE WICKER              LP      07.2017
Wv      162 CD  ART FEYNMAN : BLAST OFF THROUGH THE WICKER              CD      07.2017

        01      Eternity In Pictures                            4:38
        02      Slow Down                                       3:08
        03      Cant Stand It                                   5:41
        04      Feeling Good About Feeling Good                 7:40
        05      Two Minor                                       3:27
        06      Win Win                                         2:16
        07      Hot Night Jeremiah                              7:25
        08      I Rain You Thunder                              3:36
        09      Party Line                                      3:08
        10      Small House Blues                               2:38
WV      163
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
                (Note : LP , two-toned 'Sky & Ocean' coloured vinyl)
WV      164 CD  CAROLINE SAYS : THERE'S NO FOOL LIKE AN OLD FOOL        CD      03.2018

        01      First Song                                      3:55
        02      Sweet Home Alabama                              3:22
        03      Mea Culpa                                       2:54
        04      A Good Thief Steals Clean                       2:35
        05      Rip O                                           3:40
        06      Black Hole                                      2:31
        07      Cool Jerk                                       3:03
        08      I Tried                                         3:39
        09      Lone Star Tall Boy                              3:36

No Fool Like An Old Fool is the sophomore LP from Austin via Alabama musician,
Caroline Sallee, aka Caroline Says.
WV      165 LP  JOSEPH SHABASON         AYTCHE                          LP+DLc  09.2017
                (Note : LP , full-colour inner sleeve and die-cut jacket)

WV      165 CD  JOSEPH SHABASON         AYTCHE                          CD      09.2017

        01      Looking Forward To Something, Dude              4:02
        02      Aytche                                          3:48
        03      Neil McCauley                                   5:15
        04      Smokestack                                      4:12
        05      Tite Cycle                                      5:20
        06      Long Swim                                       4:55
        07      Westmeath                                       4:57
        08      Chopping Wood                                   4:02
        09      Belching Smoke                                  4:14
WV      166 LP  JASSICA RISKER          I SEE YOU AMONG THE STARS       LP+DLc  05.2018
WV      166 CD  JASSICA RISKER          I SEE YOU AMONG THE STARS       CD      05.2018

        1       I See You Among The Stars
        2       Cut My Hair
        3       Anyway When I Look In Your Eyes
        4       Zero Summer Mind
        5       Shallow Seas
        6       Reassign Me
        7       A Cooling Sun
        8       Help Me,Help Me

Missouri-born, Chicago-dwelling Jessica Risker has signed to the fab Western Vinyl
label for the latest chapter in her lo-fi, psych-folk, DIY crusade. I See You Among
The Stars is a beautiful record that takes in the influences of Nick Drake, Sibylle
Baier and Broadcast at their most gentle.
WV      167 LP  AIR WAVES               WARRIOR                         LP      04.2018
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      167 LP  AIR WAVES               WARRIOR                         LP      04.2018
                (Note : LP , clear vinyl)
WV      167 CD  AIR WAVES               WARRIOR                         CD      04.2019

lp      A1      Home
        A2      Morro Bay
        A3      Pieces
        A4      Gay Bets
        A5      Tangerine
        B1      Sky
        B2      Hold on Hope
        B3      Thanks
        B4      Warrior
        B5      Holiday
        B6      Blue Fire

CD      1       Home                                            3:28
        2       Morro Bay                                       3:22
        3       Pieces                                          3:49
        4       Gay Bets                                        3:36
        5       Tangerine                                       3:07
        6       Sky                                             2:26
        7       Hold On Hope                                    2:54
        8       Thanks                                          3:28
        9       Warrior                                         4:09
        10      Holiday                                         1:56
        11      Blue Fire                                       3:30
WV      168 LP  IN TALL BUILDINGS       AKINETIC                        LP      03.2018
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      168 C1  IN TALL BUILDINGS       AKINETIC                        LP      03.2018
                (Note : LP , white vinyl)
WV      168 CD  IN TALL BUILDINGS       AKINETIC                        CD      03.2018

        01      Beginning To Fade                               3:33
        02      Akinetic                                        4:11
        03      Long Way Down                                   3:28
        04      Overconscious                                   3:47
        05      Cascadia                                        3:39
        06      Siren Song                                      4:24
        07      Curtain                                         3:44
        08      New Moon                                        1:34
        09      Days In Clover                                  3:47
        10      Wake Up                                         4:49

Akinetic, the new album from Chicago songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Erik Hall's
one-man polymathic project In Tall Buildings sees its creator plunge headlong into
allegories of communication, loss, impulse, vice, and mass-denialism. With the addition
of producer and engineer Brian Deck (Modest Mouse, Iron & Wine).
WV      169 LP  GOLDMUND                OCCASUS                         LP+DLc  04.2018
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      169 C1  GOLDMUND                OCCASUS                         LP+DLc  04.2018
                (Note : LP , white-black-marbled vinyl vinyl)
WV      169 CD  GOLDMUND                OCCASUS                         CD      04.2018

        01      Before                                          3:25
        02      Above                                           2:36
        03      Bounded                                         3:10
        04      Breaking                                        3:06
        05      As You Know                                     3:02
        06      Circle                                          2:56
        07      History                                         1:33
        08      Migration                                       3:38
        09      Radiant                                         2:59
        10      No Story                                        2:45
        11      Thread                                          2:47
        12      Terrarium                                       5:29
        13      Turns                                           2:36
        14      Moderate                                        3:58
        15      What Lasts                                      4:42
WV      170 LP  KAITLYN AURELIA SMITH   THE KID                         LP      10.2017
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      170 C1  KAITLYN AURELIA SMITH   THE KID                         LP      10.2017
                (Note : LP , twilight coloured vinyl)
WV      170 CD  KAITLYN AURELIA SMITH   THE KID                         CD      10.2017

        01      I Am A Thought                                  1:54
        02      An Intention                                    4:01
        03      A Kid                                           5:04
        04      In The World                                    3:00
        05      I Am Consumed                                   0:54
        06      In The World But Not Of The World               3:57
        07      I Am Learning                                   3:16
        08      To Follow And Lead                              4:48
        09      Until I Remember                                4:23
        10      Who I Am Why I Am Where I Am                    5:21
        11      I Am Curious I Care                             3:45
        12      I Will Make Room For You                        4:59
        13      To Feel Your Best                               6:20
WV      171     BALMORHEA               CLEAR LANGUAGE-REWORKED         6WAV    01.2018

        1       Sky Could Undress (Jefre Cantu?-?Ledesma)       7:01
        2       Sky Could Undress (Christina Vantzou)           5:04
        3       Slow Stone (Jon Porras)                         4:02
        4       Behind The World (Chihei Hatakeyama)            3:26
        5       Lost In Translation (William Basinski)          4:14
        6       First Light (Christopher Tignor)                9:05
WV      172     BALMORHEA               CHIME                           7"      05.2018

        A       Chime
        B       Shone
WV      173 LP  AISHA BURNS             ARGONAUTA                       LP+DLc  07.2018
WV      173 CD  AISHA BURNS             ARGONAUTA                       CD      07.2018

        1.      We Were Worn                                    03:42
        2.      I Thought I Knew You Well                       03:02
        3.      Must Be a Way                                   04:19
        4.      If I                                            03:48
        5.      Would You Come to Me                            04:55
        6.      Argonauta                                       03:36
        7.      Leavin'                                         04:15
        8.      Where Do I Begin                                03:02

Aisha Burns is a talented violinist and singer. She has had stints in Alex Dupree and
The Trapdoor Band and instrumental band Balmorhea. She released her debut album, Life
In The Midwater, in 2013 to great acclaim. With her new album, Argonauta, she found
a cathartic outlet in her ethereal and delicate songs as she grieved the death of her
mother, but it was also tempered with hope as she found herself in a burgeoning
WV      174 LP  ELEPHANT MICAH          GENERICANA                      LP+DL   08.2018
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      174 C1  ELEPHANT MICAH          GENERICANA                      LP+DL   08.2018
                (Note : LP , white vinyl)
WV      174 CD  ELEPHANT MICAH          GENERICANA                      CD      08.2018

        1.      Surf A                                          06:22
        2.      Fire A                                          05:24
        3.      Life A                                          01:27
        4.      Life B                                          07:28
        5.      Fire B                                          06:35
        6.      Surf B                                          04:51
WV  175 DIG1    ART FEYNMAN             NEAR NEGATIVE                   6DL     12.2017

        1       Shelter                                         4:19
        2       I'll Get Your Money                             4:50
        3       My Tuke                                         4:58
        4       Love You Even More                              4:00
        5       Monday Give Me Monday                           5:27
        6       Asia's Way                                      3:36
WV      176 LP  AVA LUNA                MOON 2                          LP+MP3  09.2018
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      176 C1  AVA LUNA                MOON 2                          LP+MP3  09.2018
                (Note : LP , moon coloured vinyl)
WV      176 CD  AVA LUNA                MOON 2                          CD      09.2018

        01      Accessible
        02      Centerline
        03      Childish
        04      Leaf
        05      Mine
        06      Moon 2
        07      Deli Run
        08      Set It Off
        09      Walking With An Enemy
        10      Unless
        11      On Its Side The Fallen
        12      Moon
WV      177 LP  FARAO                   PURE-O                          LP+DLc  09.2018
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      177 C1  FARAO                   PURE-O                          LP+DLc  09.2018
                (Note : LP , clear vinyl)
WV      177 CD  FARAO                   PURE-O                          CD      09.2018

        1.      Marry M                                         03:47
        2.      Lula Loves You                                  03:31
        3.      Get Along                                       03:00
        4.      Luster of the Eyes                              03:12
        5.      Cluster of Delights                             05:15
        6.      Gabriel                                         04:18
        7.      Melodiya                                        01:09
        8.      The Ghost Ship                                  03:57
        9.      Triumph Over Me                                 03:37
        10.     Truthsayer                                      04:15
WV      178 LP  HUGH MARSH              VIOÙINVOCATIONS                 LP+DLc  02.2019
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      178 C1  HUGH MARSH              VIOÙINVOCATIONS                 LP+DLc  02.2019
                (Note : LP , blue vinyl)
WV      178 CD  HUGH MARSH              VIOÙINVOCATIONS                 CD      02.2019

        01      I Laid Down In The Snow                         6:35
        02      Miku Murmuration                                8:11
        03      Thirtysix Hundred Grandview                     7:15
        04      The Rain Gambler                                4:51
        05      A Beautiful Mistake                             3:09
        06      Da Solo Non Solitaro                            6:13
        07      Across The Aether                               4:49
        08      She Will                                        9:21
WV      179 LP  [soundtrack] BROCKER WAY : WILD WILD COUNTRY            LP+MP3  09.2018
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      179 C1  [soundtrack] BROCKER WAY : WILD WILD COUNTRY            LP+MP3  09.2018
                (Note : LP , maroon vinyl with an orange stripe in the
WV      179 CD  [soundtrack] BROCKER WAY : WILD WILD COUNTRY            CD+MP3  09.2018

        1       The Guillotine                                  1:52
        2       Fashionable Leather Shoes                       1:00
        3       Come Home                                       2:25
        4       Life for Myself                                 2:32
        5       Those of Us Who Were There                      3:24
        6       The New Man                                     2:04
        7       High Desert                                     4:03
        8       Be Grateful for This Beautiful Home             2:20
        9       Church and State                                2:13
        10      An Adventure of My Life                         6:22
        11      Spies in Overalls                               2:08
        12      The Takeover                                    3:03
        13      Chosen People                                   3:31
        14      It Was a Town                                   2:49
        15      The Burning Ghats                               3:21
WV      180     STEPHEN STEINBRINK      UTOPIA TEASED                   LP        .2018
                (Note : LP , transp. mint-green vinyl)
WV      180     STEPHEN STEINBRINK      UTOPIA TEASED                   CD        .2018

A.      1       Bad Love
        2       I Wanna Be Free
        3       A Part Of Me Is A Part Of You
        4       Empty Vessel
        5       Maximum Sunlight
        6       Zappa Dream
B.      7       Coming Down
        8       Mom
        9       In Another Kind Of Dream
        10      Become Sphere
        11      You Could Always Leave
        12      I'm Never Changing Who You Are

LP      Melodic         MELO 119 LP         2018        UK
CD      Melodic         MELO 119 CD         2018        UK
WV      181
WV      182 LP  JOSEPH SHABASON         ANNE                            LP      01.2019
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      182 C1  JOSEPH SHABASON         ANNE                            LP      01.2019
                (Note : LP , whale-blue vinyl)
WV      182 CD  JOSEPH SHABASON         ANNE                            CD      01.2019

        01      I Thought That I Could Get Away With It         4:45
        02      Deep Dark Divide                                7:00
        03      Dangerous Chemicals                             6:32
        04      Donna Lee                                       4:51
        05      Forest Run                                      4:30
        06      Fred and Lil                                    6:51
        07      Toh Koh                                         3:09
        08      November                                        5:10
        09      Treat It Like A Win Bar                         6:12

Anne, the second album By Toronto saxophonist and composer Joseph Shabason.
WV      183 LP  ROB BURGER              THE GRID                        LP      06.2019
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      183 C1  ROB BURGER              THE GRID                        LP      06.2019
                (Note : LP , clear vinyl)
WV      183 CD  ROB BURGER              THE GRID                        CD      06.2019

        01      Alternate Star                                  3:44
        02      Harmonious Gathering                            5:48
        03      Walk The Plank                                  1:42
        04      The Grid                                        3:13
        05      Sleeping Queen                                  4:01
        06      Pink Lenses                                     1:48
        07      Roadside Deal                                   4:13
        08      Bent Moon                                       1:13
        09      Souls Of Winter ft. Laurie Anderson             3:33
        10      Love Light                                      2:04
        11      Will The Sun Come                               1:15
        12      Talk To Me                                      5:17
        13      Broward County                                  4:02
        14      Ghost On A Wire                                 5:42
WV      184 LP  MOON BROS. : THE EASY WAY IS HARD ENOUGH                LP      08.2019
WV      184 CD  MOON BROS. : THE EASY WAY IS HARD ENOUGH                CD      08.2019

        A1      Oobub
        A2      Footsteps
        A3      Ballad Of Joe Buck
        A4      Temporary Thoughts
        B1      Goes
        B2      Okie
        B3      Nasty Fresh

Matthew Schneider aka Moon Bros’ new album The Easy Way is Hard Enough raises a toast
with the same glass-half-full attitude that Schneider has carried from his days as a
young guitar prodigy in rural Illinois to his current status as a woodworker and
carpenter in Los Angeles.
WV      185 LP  MACHINEFABRIEK          WITH VOICES                     LP      01.2019
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      185 C1  MACHINEFABRIEK          WITH VOICES                     LP      01.2019
                (Note : LP , scarlet-red vinyl)
WV      185 CD  MACHINEFABRIEK          WITH VOICES                     CD      01.2019
WV      185 CD  MACHINEFABRIEK          WITH VOICES                     DL      01.2019

        01      I (with Terence Hannum)                         7:32
        02      II (with Chantal Acda)                          4:27
        03      III (with Peter Broderick)                      5:02
        04      IV (with Marianne Oldenburg)                    1:41
        05      V (with Zero Years Kid)                         4:32
        06      VI (with Richard Youngs)                        4:30
        07      VII (with Wei-Yun Chen)                         3:49
        08      VIII (with Marissa Nadler)                      10:00

Vocal studies by Dutch minimalist Machinefabriek, working with Richard Youngs,
Marissa nadler, Peter Broderick, Chantal Acda and Terence Hannum.
WV      186
WV      187     YVETTE                  HOW THE GARDEN GROWS            LP        .2021

        A1      B61
        A2      Contact High
        A3      Warm Up
        A4      Besides
        A5      For A Moment
        B1      Close Quarters
        B2      Smoke In Your Eyes
        B3      Best Intentions
        B4      Translucent
        B5      Intermission
                (Note : LP , multicoloured vinyl)
WV      188     THE SKULL ECLIPSES      PENUMBRAS                       CS      10.2018

        A1      Yearn Finite                                    0:57
        A2      All Fall [Instrumental]                         4:34
        A3      Angels Don't Mind [Instrumental]                2:37
        A4      Pillars [Instrumental]                          4:58
        A5      Take My [Instrumental]                          2:43
        A6      Encyclopedia [Instrumental]                     4:38
        A7      Gone [Instrumental]                             4:10
        B1      Gun Glitters [Instrumental]                     3:59
        B2      Pushing Up The Hills [Instrumental]             3:58
        B3      Yearn Infinite II [Extended]                    3:36
        B4      Spacecrafts In Rajasthan [Instrumental]         4:16
        B5      Mum Um                                          2:01
        B6      Look                                            2:11
                (Note : cassette , 100 copies)
WV      189 LP  ART FEYNMAN             HALF PRICE AT 3:30              LP+DLc  06.2020
                (Note : LP , velvet-red coloured vinyl)

        01      Dtime
        02      Taking On Hollywood
        03      China Be Better
        04      Ideal Drama
        05      The Physical Life Of Marilyn
        06      I'm Gonna Miss Your World
        07      Night Flower
        08      Not My Guy
        09      Emancipate Your Love Life
        10      Nancy Are Your Hiding In Your Work
        11      I Can Dream

Art Feynman is better known I suppose as Luke Temple of once loved collective Here
We Go Magic. On his second album under this moniker he continues to blend together
Afro-pop, worldbeat and art-pop into a more mechanised version of his earlier
pan-genre experiments. With drum machines and synths to the fore it could perhaps
be compared to the  anything goes creativity of the likes of Arthur Russell and
Francis Bebey.
WV      190 LP  HEATHER WOODS BRODERICK : INVITATION                    LP+DLc  04.2019
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      190 C1  HEATHER WOODS BRODERICK : INVITATION                    LP+DLc  04.2019
                (Note : LP , Coral + Seawater coloured vinyl LP (pink
                w/ bluish/black centre blob))
WV      190 CD  HEATHER WOODS BRODERICK : INVITATION                    CD      04.2019

        01      A Stilling Wind                                 5:08
        02      I Try                                           4:26
        03      Nightcrawler                                    4:54
        04      Where I Lay                                     3:59
        05      Slow Dazzle                                     4:13
        06      A Daydream                                      1:30
        07      White Tail                                      3:24
        08      Quicksand                                       5:32
        09      My Sunny One                                    3:28
        10      These Green Valleys                             4:30
        11      Invitation                                      2:30
WV      191
WV      192 LP  MINT JULEP : IN A DEEP & DREAMLESS SLEEP                LP      03.2021
WV      192 CD  MINT JULEP : IN A DEEP & DREAMLESS SLEEP                CD      03.2021
WV      192 D   MINT JULEP : IN A DEEP & DREAMLESS SLEEP                DL      03.2021

        1.      A Rising Sun                                    03:49
        2.      Black Maps                                      04:13
        3.      Mirage                                          03:35
        4.      Lure                                            04:02
        5.      Longshore Drift                                 03:27
        6.      Pulse                                           04:00
        7.      Lost                                            03:17
        8.      In Your Sleep                                   04:09
        9.      Shores                                          05:35
        10.     In The Ocean                                    05:14
        11.     Westerly                                        04:46
WV      193 LP  NUBO                    NU VISION                       LP      10.2020
                (Note : LP , punk vinyl)
WV      193     NUBO                    NU VISION                       DL      10.2020

        1.      Rain Won't                                      03:19
        2.      Mezame                                          04:30
        3.      TRIANGLE                                        04:13
        4.      Yamatogokoro                                    02:07
        5.      Ennichi                                         03:22
        6.      Thinking With Your Soul                         03:55
        7.      Nu Vision                                       04:32
        8.      Haino Uma                                       02:37
        9.      Feel So Good Mornin'                            03:21
        10.     On the Planet                                   02:46
        11.     Moon Knows Everything                           05:26
        12.     Cycle of Love                                   03:21
WV      194 C1  MINT JULEP              STRAY FANTASIES                 LP      01.2020
                (Note : LP , coloured vinyl)
WV      194 CD  MINT JULEP              STRAY FANTASIES                 CD      01.2020
WV      194     MINT JULEP              STRAY FANTASIES                 12FLAC  01.2020

        1       Blinded                                         3:48
        2       Stray Fantasies                                 3:13
        3       Unite                                           3:29
        4       White Noise                                     2:53
        5       Just For Today                                  4:01
        6       Escape                                          4:05
        7       Vakaras                                         4:25
        8       As Far As I Can Get                             3:58
        9       Translations                                    3:51
        10      No Regret                                       4:09
        11      Fall On Time                                    3:39
        12      Still Waters                                    4:41
WV      195 C1  ABRAM SHOOK             THE NEON MACHINE                LP+DLc  08.2019
                (Note : LP , coloured vinyl)
WV      195 CD  ABRAM SHOOK             THE NEON MACHINE                CD      08.2019

        01      Neon Love                                       4:16
        02      Your Time                                       3:25
        03      Cocaine Blonde                                  3:45
        04      Future Hustler                                  3:38
        05      My Money                                        3:39
        06      Visionary Fiction                               4:29
        07      Can't Get Away                                  3:10
        08      Sugar Teeth                                     3:52
        09      The Latest Trend                                3:34
        10      Hot Mess                                        3:49
        11      Fake It                                         3:41
WV      196 C1  OUTER SPACES            GAZING GLOBE                    LP+DLc  06.2019
                (Note : LP , transp.-blue vinyl)
WV      196 CD  OUTER SPACES            GAZING GLOBE                    CD      06.2019
WV      196 D   OUTER SPACES            GAZING GLOBE                    DL      06.2019

        01      See Her Face
        02      Truck Song
        03      Gazing Globe
        04      YWLGOML
        05      Album For Ghosts
        06      TV Screen
        07      Telling You Things
        08      I Slowly Close My Eyes
        09      Paper Flowers
        10      Teapot #2
WV      197 LP  LIGHTNING DUST          SPECTRE                         LP+DLc  10.2019
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      197 C1  LIGHTNING DUST          SPECTRE                         LP+DLc  10.2019
                (Note : LP , coloured vinyl)
WV      197 CD  LIGHTNING DUST          SPECTRE                         CD      10.2019

        1.      Devoted To                                      05:58
        2.      Run Away                                        03:03
        3.      Led Astray                                      03:27
        4.      Inglorious Flu                                  03:13
        5.      When It Rains                                   03:31
        6.      Joanna                                          04:21
        7.      More                                            02:45
        8.      A Pretty Picture                                02:56
        9.      Competitive Depression                          01:51
        10.     3AM / 100 Degrees                               07:01
WV      198     ACTIVITY                UNMASK WHOEVER                  LP      03.2020
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      198 C1  ACTIVITY                UNMASK WHOEVER                  LP      03.2020
                (Note : LP , transl. glacial blue vinyl)
WV      198 CD  ACTIVITY                UNMASK WHOEVER                  CD      03.2020

        01      In Motion                                       1:34
        02      Calls Your Name                                 3:58
        03      Spring Low Life                                 5:33
        04      Nude Prince                                     4:20
        05      Looming                                         3:40
        06      Earth Angel                                     4:18
        07      The Heartbeats                                  5:50
        08      I Like the Boys                                 2:32
        09      Violent and Vivisect                            4:21
        10      Auto Sad                                        3:17

Mixing electronica and dream-pop, Activity is a new four-piece formed of Grooms duo
Travis Johnson and Steve Levine, bassist Zoë Browne (Field Mouse) and guitarist Jess
Rees (Russian Baths). Unmask Whoever, produced with the help of Psychic TV’s Jeff
Berner, speaks to the quartet’s resolve to undermine and subvert the norms of modern
Mastered by Heba Kadry, known for her work with Bjork, Slowdive, Deerhunter, Japanese
Breakfast, Cass McCombs, et al.
WV      199
WV      200 LP  CHRISTOPHER TIGNOR      A LIGHT BELOW                   LP      10.2019
WV      200 CD  CHRISTOPHER TIGNOR      A LIGHT BELOW                   CD      10.2019
WV      200     CHRISTOPHER TIGNOR      A LIGHT BELOW                   7FLAC   10.2019

        1       Flood Cycles                                    3:46
        2       Your Slow Moving Shadow, My Inevitable Night    5:30
        3       Known By Heart                                  9:25
        4       A Mirrored Reliquary                            3:53
        5       I, Autocorrelations                             3:07
        6       The Resonance Canons                            11:07
        7       What You Must Make Of Me                        10:41
WV      201 LP  RG LOWE                 LIFE OF THE BODY                LP+DLc  05.2020
                (Note : LP , cream-bone vinyl)
WV      201 CD  RG LOWE                 LIFE OF THE BODY                CD      05.2020

        01      Sorrow                                          6:06
        02      He Done Her Wrong                               4:46
        03      Sendai, Unknown                                 4:26
        04      My Body                                         4:38
        05      Soap                                            2:01
        06      Tulip Ave                                       4:28
        07      Salpetriere                                     3:54
        08      Life-World                                      5:18
        09      Beauty Finds Forever                            4:28

RG Lowe presents his second solo album Life of the Body, arriving three years after
he took fans by surprise with his intimate and soulful 2017 debut Slow Time which
was so different to the neo-classical output of his band Balmorhea. Produced by David
Boyle, it’s a subtle, refreshing and earnest call to embrace the natural world.
WV      202 C1  STRAND OF OAKS          LEAVE RUIN                      LP/1    12.2019
WV      202 C2  STRAND OF OAKS          LEAVE RUIN                      LP/2    12.2019

        1.      End In Flames                                   4:19
        2.      Two Kids                                        2:29
        3.      Lawns Breed Songs                               2:48
        4.      Mourning Worker                                 4:05
        5.      New Paris                                       7:42
        06      Sister Evangeline                               5:49
        07      Dogs Of War                                     3:17
        08      Do You Like To Read                             9:00
        09      Leave Ruin                                      3:34

LP/1    Limited edition transparent moss green coloured vinyl LP on Western Vinyl.
        Includes liner notes insert.
LP/2    Limited edition red wine coloured vinyl LP on Western Vinyl. Includes liner
        notes insert.

Leave Ruin was the debut album by Strand of Oaks, the project of Timothy Showalter.
WV      203 C1  STRAND OF OAKS          POPE KILLDRAGON                 LP/1    12.2019
WV      203 C2  STRAND OF OAKS          POPE KILLDRAGON                 LP/2    12.2019

        A1      West River
        A2      Kill Dragon
        A3      Sterling
        A4      Bonfire
        A5      Alex Kona
        B1      Giant's Despair
        B2      Daniel's Blues
        B3      Last To Swim
        B4      Walking
        B5      Pope Killdragon

LP/1    Limited edition 'Dragon Bone' coloured vinyl LP. Includes insert.
LP/2    Limited edition 'Susquehanna River' blue coloured vinyl. Includes insert.
WV      204 C1  STRAND OF OAKS          DARK SHORES                     LP/1    12.2019
WV      204 C2  STRAND OF OAKS          DARK SHORES                     LP/2    12.2019

        01      Diamond Drill                                   2:19
        02      Satellite Moon                                  2:16
        03      Maureens                                        3:39
        04      Little Wishes                                   4:16
        05      Trap Door                                       3:31
        06      Dark Shores                                     3:10
        07      Last Grain                                      2:54
        08      Spacestations                                   3:03
        09      Hard To Be Young                                3:20
        10      Sleeping Pills                                  2:33

LP/1    Limited edition 'Sleeping Pill' blue coloured vinyl reissue LP on Western 
        Vinyl. Includes postcard insert.
LP/2    Limited edition black & white splatter vinyl reissue LP on Western Vinyl.
        Includes postcard insert.
WV      205
WV      206 LP  PETER OREN              THE GREENER PASTURE             LP      04.2020
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      206 C1  PETER OREN              THE GREENER PASTURE             LP      04.2020
                (Note : LP , "grass is greener"  vinyl)
WV      206 CD  PETER OREN              THE GREENER PASTURE             CD      04.2020

        1.      In Line to Die                                  03:16
        2.      Stud Song                                       02:58
        3.      Free                                            04:25
        4.      The Greener Pasture                             04:05
        5.      Whole World                                     03:29
        6.      Fun Yet                                         02:03
        7.      John Wayne                                      03:32
        8.      Gnawed to the Bone (Come By)                    02:55
        9.      Ones and Ohs                                    02:48
        10.     Don't Eat Their Feed                            02:49
        11.     Fences, Ranchers, and Cattle Prods              03:22
        12.     Loading Page                                    03:27

Peter Oren is a folk singer from Columbus, Indiana who says he quit college to write
folk tunes. He cites Bill Callahan as a major influence. The Greener Pasture is his
second album. He bought equipment to record it himself,  a different method to its
predecessor, Anthropocene, which was recorded in a studio with a bunch of Nashville
musicians, but the genre is certainly suited to this method.
WV      207
WV      208 LP  TOM ROGERSON            RETREAT TO BLISS                LP      03.2022
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      208 CD  TOM ROGERSON            RETREAT TO BLISS                CD      03.2022
WV      208     TOM ROGERSON            RETREAT TO BLISS                DL      03.2022
WV      209 LP  ERIK HALL : MUSIC FOR 18 MUSICIANS (STEVE REICH)        LP      06.2020
WV      209 CD  ERIK HALL : MUSIC FOR 18 MUSICIANS (STEVE REICH)        CD      06.2020

        1.      Pulses                                          04:13
        2.      Section I                                       04:05
        3.      Section II                                      04:03
        4.      Section IIIA                                    03:47
        5.      Section IIIB                                    04:00
        6.      Section IV                                      04:54
        7.      Section V                                       04:48
        8.      Section VI                                      03:57
        9.      Section VII                                     03:33
        10.     Section VIII                                    03:20
        11.     Section IX                                      04:05
        12.     Section X                                       01:18
        13.     Section XI                                      04:12
        14.     Pulses II                                       03:48

A real labour of love, this one - when Steve Reich first published Music For 18
Musicians in 1976, he advised that it should probably be performed with more people
even than that, given the intensity it requires. Producer Erik Hall went in the other
direction, painstakingly re-creating the piece by hand, one instrument and one section
at a time in live, single takes, making for an impressive and insightful experience.
WV      210 C1  GOLDMUND                THE TIME IT TAKES               LP+DLc  11.2020
                (Note : LP , marigold-orange vinyl)
WV      210 CD  GOLDMUND                THE TIME IT TAKES               CD      11.2020

LP      1.      Day in Day Out                                  04:01
        2.      Forever                                         03:51
        3.      Memory Itself                                   04:16
        4.      Of No Other                                     02:54
        5.      Abandon                                         02:37
        6.      Pavane                                          03:47
        7.      The One Who Stands By                           03:21
        8.      Respite                                         03:01
        9.      For a Time                                      02:04
        10.     From One Place to Another                       03:40
        11.     The Night                                       02:47
        12.     The Valley in Betwen                            04:18

DL      01      Day In Day Out
        02      Forever
        03      Memory Itself
        04      Of No Other
        05      Abandon
        06      Pavane
        07      For Old Times
        08      The One Who Stands By
        09      The End
        10      Respite
        11      Rivulet
        12      For A Time
        13      From One Place To Another
        14      The Night
        15      The Valley In Between 

Goldmund is Keith Kenniff who is also known for making music under the name Helios
and as a member of indie band Mint Julep. As Goldmund he makes minimal, post-classical,
ambient piano music. The Time it Takes is dark, mournful and beautiful with one foot
in the world of new age and relaxation. One to listen to on the cans, whilst lying
WV      211 LP  ELORI SAXL              THE BLUE OF DISTANCE            LP      01.2021
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      211 C1  ELORI SAXL              THE BLUE OF DISTANCE            LP      01.2021
                (Note : LP , cloudy-clear vinyl)
WV      211 CD  ELORI SAXL              THE BLUE OF DISTANCE            CD      01.2021
WV      211 D   ELORI SAXL              THE BLUE OF DISTANCE            DL      01.2021

        1.      Before Blue                                     01:32
        2.      Blue                                            09:56
        3.      Wave I                                          02:32
        4.      Wave II                                         02:40
        5.      Memory of Blue                                  11:39
        6.      Wave III                                        03:42
        7.      The Blue of Distance                            07:05
WV      212 LP  SELAH BRODERICK         ANAM                            LP+DLc  10.2020
WV      212 CD  SELAH BRODERICK         ANAM                            CD      10.2020

        1.      Every Bush and Tree                             02:52
        2.      A Prayer                                        04:40
        3.      Witnessing                                      03:39
        4.      Anam Cara                                       08:59
        5.      Green Eyes                                      05:17
        6.      Rainy Day                                       04:28
        7.      Bella's Song                                    03:35
        8.      Barna Morning                                   08:00

We've had Peter Broderick, we've had Heather Woods Broderick then there was that
record by their dad Steven Broderick. All that has been missing is their mum's
recordings and as if by magic here they are. Selah Broderick was a yoga teacher and
her gentle meditative musical evocations were used to soundtrack a CD of her
teachings. Listened to with modern ears they fit very neatly into the new age
recordings that are de rigueur these days.
WV      213     PHOTO OPS               PURE AT HEART                   LP      09.2020
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      213     PHOTO OPS               PURE AT HEART                   LP      09.2020
                (Note : LP , orange vinyl)

        A1      Take The Long Way
        A2      Walking Under The Trees
        A3      Play On
        A4      Don’t You Be Quiet
        A5      Heavenly Light
        A6      Pictures Of You And Me
        B1      Palm Trees
        B2      Peculiar Season
        B3      July
        B4      And Away We Go
        B5      Live With Yourself
WV      214 LP  ELEPHANT MICAH          VAGUE TIDINGS                   LP+DLc  04.2021
WV      214 CD  ELEPHANT MICAH          VAGUE TIDINGS                   CD      04.2021

        A1      Glacier Advisors
        A2      Eastern Callers
        A3      Pipe Diversions Bored Auroras
        A4      The Cantor The Labrador
        B1      Return To The Abandoned Observatory
        B2      From Anti Gravity
        B3      Occidental Blue
        B4      Vague Tidings

LP      LP housed in heavy textured jackets with metallic silver ink + insert.
WV      215
WV      216_2   BRAM GIELEN : Prelude from French Suite No. 4 BWV 815a  1AAC    07.2020
WV      216_2   BRAM GIELEN : Prelude from French Suite No. 4 BWV 815a  3.5"    07.2020

        1       Prelude from French Suite No. 4 BWV 815a
WV      217
WV      218
WV      219
WV      220     BOTANY END THE SUMMERTIME F(OR) EVER                    LP      09.2020
WV      220     BOTANY END THE SUMMERTIME F(OR) EVER                    DL      09.2020

A.      1.      The Way
        2.      Sunrelenting
        3.      Blacktop Mirage
        4.      Your Whole Life
        5.      Quiet Down
        6.      She Will Be
        7.      Schoolday Morning TV
        8.      Most
        9.      Babylon At Last
B.      10.     Once We Die
        11.     Image Of This Earth Before Our Time
        12.     That's The One (Too Bad)
        13.     Aya
        14.     Farthest Visible Rooftop
        15.     Tele-Vangelis
        16.     E.O.T.S.

For his first Botany album in four years, Spencer Stephenson turns his looping,
sampling psychedelia toward the current political climate, lending themes of unrest
an appropriately surreal atmosphere. These are portentous soundscapes that mesmerize
the ears and inner mind. A standout track like "Tele-Vangelis" is so murky and
ominous that Stephenson could easily have dragged it out into an unnecessary opus,
but it's all the better for its structured three-minute and fourteen-second run.
WV      221     ALSKAVON, JOHN HAYES    DU NORD                         11FLAC  11.2020

        1       Vermilion                                       3:17
        2       Itasca                                          2:47
        3       Refrost                                         3:49
        4       L'etoile                                        3:59
        5       Cold Is Not So Cold                             3:18
        6       Closer                                          3:34
        7       For Myself                                      4:30
        8       Du Nord                                         5:16
        9       Sibley                                          0:23
        10      Sougan                                          2:58
        11      Lobby                                           1:18
WV      222
WV      223
WV      224 LP  CHORUSING               HALF MIRROR                     12"+DLc 08.2021
WV      224 CD  CHORUSING               HALF MIRROR                     CD      08.2021

        A1      Cold                                            2:43
        A2      Whitewaterside                                  3:32
        A3      Watching The Beams                              4:20
        A4      Blue Ridge                                      3:27
        B1      Midday Sun                                      4:57
        B2      Billowing                                       3:30
        B3      Ohio                                            2:45
        B4      Mirror                                          4:48
                (Note : 12"/45 RPM , includes a lyric sheet)
WV      225     HOLLIE KENNIFF          THE QUIET DRIFT                 LP+MP3  07.2021
                (Note : LP , snow white vinyl)
WV      225     HOLLIE KENNIFF          THE QUIET DRIFT                 CD      07.2021
WV      225     HOLLIE KENNIFF          THE QUIET DRIFT                 10FLAC  07.2021

        A1      Flourish
        A2      Quell
        A3      Some Day If Some Day Comes
        A4      Four Sides Of The Forest
        A5      Under The Loquat Tree Ft. Goldmund
        B1      Sunset Chant
        B2      Still Falling Snow
        B3      Unfolding   Ft. Goldmund
        B4      A Feathered Fog
        B5      This Part Of You
WV      226 LP  JOSEPH SHABASON         THE FELLOWSHIP                  LP      04.2021
                (Note : LP , black vinyl)
WV      226 C1  JOSEPH SHABASON         THE FELLOWSHIP                  LP      04.2021
                (Note : LP , transp.-sky blue vinyl)
WV      226 CD  JOSEPH SHABASON         THE FELLOWSHIP                  CD      04.2021

        01      Life With My Grandparents                       4:51
        02      Escape From North York                          3:38
        03      The Fellowship                                  5:14
        04      0-13                                            2:37
        05      13-15                                           5:10
        06      15-19                                           7:01
        07      Comparative World Religions                     3:00
        08      So Long                                         7:07

Canadian composer and saxophonist Joseph Shabason - erstwhile a contributor to bands
like The War On Drugs and Destroyer - releases his third solo album.









WV      236 C1  DISASSEMBLER            A WAVE FROM A SHORE             LP      03.2022
                (Note : LP , bleeding glacier vinyl)
WV      236 CD  DISASSEMBLER            A WAVE FROM A SHORE             CD      03.2022

        01      In Devotion
        02      Slow Fires
        03      Atria
        04      A Wave From a Shore
        05      Dynasty
        06      Debt
        07      Impossible Color

Disassembler is a collaboration between Christopher King, guitarist from post-rock
band This Will Destroy You and composer and musician Christopher Tignor, known from
his solo work as well as being a member of post rock bands Slow Six and Wires Under
Tension. ‘A Wave From A Shore’ is an album of powerful, dramatic and atmospheric
soundscapes built from tape loops, synths and strings. 


















WV ?    020     THE TREN BROTHERS       The Swimmer                     CDEP    08.2005

        1       Crow #3                                         5:05
        2       Seagull                                         :29
        3       Out of Town                                     3:23
        4       The Swimmer                                     4:12